I have naturally straight, wavy, dirty blonde hair. And i usually straighten my hair every day for school, but my friends and the girls at my school have their hair so straight and silky with no frizz or little broken hairs!! They can pick it up and let it down with no problem, it just falls into place! & some of my friends said they have naturally culy frizzy hair, wtf!! my hair isnt curly or frizzy when i wake up but yet, there hair is straighter than mine. Ive waisted tons of moey on flat irons, I had a chi for sometime but it didnt work well, and ive tried alot of oils, serums, and stuff, ad even hairspray but no. It wont stay straight. Im just so confused on how they get it so sleek and smooth... & i asked her what shampoo &/ products she uses and she said the same one i have tried! So does anyone know how do they get shiny, straight hair everyday? thnxx.
- I use a heat protector everyday,&- I have long layers which make the ends of my hair turn.. so is that maybe a possible reason?