Okay, I'm 15 I'm Asian, Native American and Black. My hair looks mixed, it's curly, puffy and extremely dry and keeps falling out for dying it literally more than 10 times and 3-4 inches down my shoulders. I don't know how long is it down my shoulders if i straighten it because I'm not trying to flat iron it until a couple days until school starts, which is August 20 something. Not sure exact. But i really want to grow at least 5 inches before school starts. I'm not sure if it's possible or not? But I'm on a low carb diet right now, exercise like 3 times a week for an hour, and drink 6-8 glasses of water a day. No sugars too. The hair products i have is Olive oil conditioner and shampoo, olive oil (like for cooking) and this African olive oil hair growth and the herbal oil, i do heat it warm and most of the time i leave it in over night. I wash it 2 times a week, sometimes 3. I've been using this process for 2-3 weeks and saw maybe a centimeter in change..? Which sucks.
Well... can anyone please help me? Don't mention the diet please because i know about what to do. But i just need help on what to use and how to use products for my hair to grow. I'm also going to buy hair grow pills tomorrow and my cousin is ordering mane n tail conditioner soon. PLEASE HELP!