If you have "dead ends" then your hair is probably dry.
Get a hair cut, and have all the dead ends cut off - even if it means you get a shorter than you wanted haircut,
then use a good hair care system involving a high quality dry hair shampoo and conditioner and a leave in treatment designed for dry hair don't wash your hair every day - every other day is fine,
also try to stay completely away from heat based hair styling machines such as hair dryers, curlers and straighteners, although if you have to use a hair dryer get a diffuser,
minimise on hair styling products - use these only when you are going out don't use them daily and never use ordinary hair spray or the old fashioned "moose" these dry hair terribly.
When I get dry hair I dye it! It might sound unusual but after every time I dye my hair it feels so lovely, shiny, thick and well you know awesome! Even if the dye you choose is almost the same colour as your natural hair go for it. Don't bleach your hair or try to lighten it this works in reverse and actually dries it out.