Do you think long hair should only be for younger women?
2007-10-16 13:58:37 UTC
I am 35 and have long hair with layers, if I didn't color my hair I would have alot of grey. I look young for my age and my hair color looks natural, but do most people think that after a certain age long hair looks silly. Or does it matter.
47 answers:
2007-10-16 14:11:13 UTC
35 is young,and long hair looks nice.It's the way

you take care of your age long hair can be

a lovely thing. If you want to ad some shade or tint

to blend with your natural color would be nice.

We don't listen to what young people think.

It's your hair so in joy showing it off,and it will make

you smile more.
2007-10-16 14:15:14 UTC
35 your still young yet but some women (not all) can look very old and dated after 40 with long hair. A good cut and colour as you get older can make you look much younger in years i think maybe a classic bob for instance. Combined with smart classic clothes and the right makeup 40s 50s 60s you can still look fabulous. Why not ask your hairdressers opinion about your long hair next time you have it trimmed.
Yup Yup Yuppers
2007-10-16 14:09:35 UTC
I think you should do whatever you like. I think that the main reason women cut their hair shorter as they get older is a matter of convenience. When you become a mother, sometimes shorter hair is just easier to manage. A mom with three kids can't be messing with her hair all the time. Also, with age comes grays. In some women, gray hairs are kind of wiry and don't grow as fast as the other hairs. Keeping the hair shorter helps manage those wiry grays.

35 isn't old. If you can pull it off, keep looking younger!
2007-10-16 14:03:46 UTC
I think as long as your hair looks healthy it doesn't matter. The reason older people tend to look bad with long hair is because it's more difficult to grow healthy locks at an older age. However, at 35 you should not have any problems - though it will obviously require a bit more attention with the grey.

Keep it colored and regularly trimmed and you should look great foreva!

Good Luck!
2016-10-09 12:56:07 UTC
maximum have long yet right here long hair is warm so some ladies cut back it off. i in my opinion desire older lady could cut back their hair shorter in a cool type or chic bob however, as they age. they only appear as if they're attempting to reclaim their young little ones whilst they have very long hair. From the lower back they seem youthful yet their face seems previous. in my opinion, short hair fits me greater useful. I had long hair and it appeared gruesome and did no longer journey my face shape. It makes me seem youthful too. i'm 30 and individuals think of i'm 20.
2007-10-16 14:03:47 UTC
I'm 44 and I have long hair with layers also...I don't know about the grey lol

I don't think long hair should be for younger people...really, I don't care....

If it makes you uncomfortable to have the long hair...then it's your decision to get rid of all depends on how it makes YOU feel...don't worry about what others think...

You're 35 and you deserve to do what is best for YOU, and the heck with everybody else...
2007-10-16 14:01:45 UTC
I agree I am thinking of the same thing I think once you hit 50 you may look funny with long hair but not at the age of 35 I think women look there best between 25 - 40
2007-10-16 14:19:52 UTC
I think that if you are happy with it then who cares...Let me give you some advice: Our hair frames our face and the way it is cut and done should highlight the best features of our face. A woman with a round face should wear her hair in such a way that it lessens the width of her face and should go for hairstyles that add length. In contrast, hairstyles that add length should be avoided by women with long faces, and these women should go for hairdos that add width to the face. But if you want to wear your hair long, wear it with layers around your face. Also, have the length at the back cut to a round shape, or a V-shape. Long hair cut straight and without any shape can make a woman look either too old or too juvenile, but long hair that is done with layers and with the ends shaped at the back can make you look sophisticated and sexy.
2007-10-16 14:06:56 UTC
Are you kidding? Long hair with layers is elegant. Keep your natural hair colour. Who said you're old? You're still a kid. Ninety-five is OLD.

Many older women look very elegant with longer hair. Wear your hair in whatever length and style YOU like except for rat-nest back-combed, which looks AWFUL, and wear your style proudly.

Older women CAN be so beautiful if they are smart enough to take care of themselves, control their weight, dress normally, do NOT wear garish red lipstick, and act normally instead of trying to act like you're a silly 16 again.
gene r
2007-10-16 14:07:30 UTC
No, my hair is long and in layers too and I colour it; I'm 56 and people often complement me about my hair. I think if you are comfortable with your hair the way it is that's all that matters and I don't think it looks silly.
2007-10-16 17:34:18 UTC
Long hair is a woman's "Crowning Glory". I love beautiful long hair on anyone. Long hair is a lot to take care of. As one gets older and loses strength in their arms and hands then it is very hard for them to wash and brush their hair. Also as one gets older their hair tends to get thin on top. If one has long hair and it is thin on top then it appears even thinner. With the shorter hair the thinness is not as exaggerated. The Bible says,"does not nature itself teach you that it is a shame for a man to have long hair". I believe that is because it softens their features and they look more feminine. Of course they were out to war and hunting and it was probably for cleanliness since they would not have access to water in some cases. Mmm
2007-10-16 14:19:14 UTC
long hair is for any woman who wants it! age is not a factor. if you're happy with it, and by the way, it sounds beautiful, then don't you dare cut it!

I think that longer hair on some women actually makes them look younger. and if you already look young for your age, then why cut it??

try to imagine jane seymour without her long beautiful hair! see what I mean?? and she's a lot older than you!

so, if you're happy with your hair just enjoy it, and keep it long!
Giggly Giraffe
2007-10-16 14:06:07 UTC
There is this woman at church with hair down to her butox ... it's pure white and so beautiful.

IMO, long white hair looks better than short white hair. The long hair still keeps her feminine while the other ladies with short white hair look like they're in a contest against their husbands to see who's more masculine ... IMO
Jessica S
2007-10-16 14:06:33 UTC
In my professional opinion, long hair is a stereotype for younger women. Therefore long hair makes you appear younger. My mother is nearly 50 and has hair down to her bra strap. She is 100% gray, though she colors it, and she looks phenominal. I say keep the long hair. If you look younger, you will feel younger.
2007-10-16 14:04:03 UTC
I don't think it matters as long as you're happy with it. Don't let people judge you because of your hair. If you want it long keep it long. Me...I'm only 20 and I see all these older ladies with bee-hive hair styles and i swore to myself I am never going to have one of those. I have had long hair since a child and I'm going to keep it that way until my Father calls me home. The question is...What do you want?
2007-10-16 14:02:24 UTC
I used to think that, but I'm 34 and still have very long hair. It doesnt matter how old you are as long as long hair looks good on you and is in healthy condition.
2007-10-16 14:02:16 UTC
No! I worked with this woman who was in her fifties. She had looooong hair that used to be black but was turning kind of salty and the front part was solid white. It looked so cool and gave her an air of mystery. I think that long hair is great on older women but... if it's thin and wispy it can look really odd the older you get.
2007-10-16 14:05:28 UTC
I didn't worry about it at 35 but at 40 I wear it more at one length and pulled back in a french braid or wound in a knot. You can still look classy past the young and wild stage. My great grandmother had steel gray hair past her waist but braided it into a crown. Very cool.
jealous elf
2007-10-16 14:03:53 UTC
if it looks good, then wear it how you want it.

i've seen a lot of young women who have waist length hair that looks completely horrible--they just let it keep growing and don't take care of it or style it or anything.

one thing about long hair worn around your face is that it may make your face look more saggy and wrinkled than it is, so maybe sweep it up and back.

but if you like it, who really cares what other people think.
2007-10-16 14:03:28 UTC
It is probably because as you get older your hair tends to start to look old as well. Short hair cuts look great on women who are in thier 50's and older. They look great on younger women as well. Unless you feel that you are just looking pretty bad with your long hair or are tired of dealing with it, I'd say keep it long! 35 is still too young to think of yourself as "old". Don't be scared to cut it though, who knows? You just might like it better!!
2007-10-16 14:03:33 UTC
Long hair in a woman, no matter the age is okay, just be neat and with a good hairstyle.
2007-10-16 14:06:27 UTC
It doesn't matter how old you are on the outside but how old you are in the inside. If you feel like long hair is you than it probably fits you. My mom think she looks sexy in short hair but i think she looks either way. I don't know, but it probably goes for you too..
2007-10-16 14:04:23 UTC
I don't think long hair has any age. If you enjoy having long hair, go for it.

I have never believed that after you hit 30 yrs. you should cut your hair.
2007-10-16 14:02:39 UTC
Wear it how you want to, but a hairdresser told me that when you are approaching 40, long hair can age you dramatically, i was your age at the time and had it cut, i was amazed how many people said it took years off me.
Luv2no is in the house
2007-10-16 14:02:22 UTC
I wear long hair and I'm 49! It doesn't matter. If I want short hair I can just put it in a bun. It's so long that I don't even need hair ties. Your just fine, don't worry about it.
2007-10-16 14:09:43 UTC
as long as your hair is in good condition, i would say keep it long if thats how you like it.

ive only seen one older person with long hair that looked bad, but more like double your age!! she looked about 70 and had waist length silver hair. it looked almost witch like, so i think grey free hair (even if its dyed to be that way) looks good, but not 100% grey hair.
2007-10-16 14:02:25 UTC
I have a friend who thinks after a certain age you should not have long hair, I disagree. I think you wear your hair however it pleases you, as long as it flatters your face! My husband would LOVE for me to grow my hair longer but I just look better with it shorter.
2007-10-16 14:00:43 UTC
Doesn't matter. Wear your hair the way you want and to hell with everyone else's opinion. Plus, 35 is still super-young, you shouldn't worry about that anyway.
2007-10-16 14:03:01 UTC
well most women your age tend to go for shorter hair as it more conducive to their current lifestyle ie career/business and family etc, by shorter i mean nothing really shoulder length

if you have long hair and its not a problem in maintaining it go for it, guys in general do prefer long free flowing hair, unless you can pull off alyssessa milanos look when she had a boy cut
2007-10-16 14:04:36 UTC
I disagree 100%. I like women that look like women, feminine. My ex had hair to the middle of her back and one day she decided to chop it off. It made her look 15 years older. I think that you should keep your hair long and flowing. I'll bet it's quite attractive.
2007-10-16 14:01:45 UTC
Personal preference rules on this, and your comfort level with the maintenence that long hair requires should also be a factor.
2007-10-16 14:02:18 UTC
it is ok to have long hair doesnt matter how old or young u are long hair make people prettier hope this helps
2007-10-16 14:04:54 UTC
AGGHH! Your the same age as my sister!! Your NOT old! And yes, she too wears her hair verrry long. Who cares?! Do what you want. I'll never have short hair!
2007-10-16 14:02:08 UTC
i dont think it reallys matters how hold you are.if it looks good on you and you like it thats all that matters. i see women in there 50s with long grey hair and it looks great.
2007-10-16 14:02:17 UTC
depends on the profession....only you know what looks good. i LOVE long hair on a woman, but nappy hair is a BIG turn off and 90% of long hair looks bad......
kim t
2007-10-16 14:03:01 UTC
im 40... something, and my hair is past my shoulders... its MY hair, i dont look disrespectful and everyone compliments me on it... even when i need a color touch up... i dont let the world dictate what i do....

in other words... IT DOESNT MATTER
2007-10-16 14:01:32 UTC
no if u want long hair have long hair, remembering years ago all woman had long hair was a sign of femininity
2007-10-16 14:03:09 UTC
what matters is the dignity with which you carry yourself- white hair grey or purple!!!
2007-10-16 14:00:59 UTC
Yes, I do think long hair is only for younger people...but you fall into the "younger people" category and profile. I just think it's odd when there's a fifty year old mom of three with long white hair down to her butt. Yuck.
2007-10-16 14:27:51 UTC

Loads of older women ruin themselves and look way older by cutting their hair short!!!
2007-10-16 14:09:06 UTC
sorry to say..

but it doesnt matter at all!!


no big deal.

just put some layers & color in it & its all good.

thanx. =]
2007-10-16 14:02:39 UTC
I think that no women should cut they hair its in the bible
2007-10-16 14:01:42 UTC
Anything goes. 35 isn't old anyway
2007-10-16 14:01:14 UTC
As long as you look good with it, don't worry about it!
SJV <333
2007-10-16 14:02:00 UTC
after 50 shoulder length is good!!!
2007-10-16 14:01:36 UTC
i dont think it matters. do what makes you feel best!!!

hop i helped
sarah kay
2007-10-16 14:02:42 UTC
you are young

you ARE young



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