I love long hair no matter what anyone says?
pretty little liar
2008-07-18 13:34:49 UTC
It seems like everyone is getting their hair cut short/shorter to look edgy or chic or whatever. I love long hair. I've had short hair before but I've never felt as good as when my hair is down to my navel. Anyone with me? And guys opinions?
61 answers:
2008-07-18 13:42:09 UTC
same as! Ive always dis-liked short hair since i was little, i was always made to get it cut into a boyish bob! ergh... lol

and now i really want my hair to be long! its taking forever to grow i think for me my hair looks better longer I'm so jealous when i see girls with really long hair! its very rock chick and i love the messyness you can create with it.
2008-07-18 13:40:16 UTC
No! hair don't make a person it enhances the person. Some people with long hair, hide behind it to shield themselves from the world people with short hair seems to be daring, edgy and show the world that they are strong. Short hair is a strong statement and look. I currently have my hair long and I always pull it way from my face to show everyone my features, I also have had short hair to. Yes, it depends on the person and their preference but hair is a accessory to the body.
2008-07-18 13:43:12 UTC
Long hair is lovely, but it's not for everyone. Just like short hair is not for everyone. My take on it is that when I get older I will most likely cut my hair short (b/x it seems like that's what most elderly people do), so I'll keep my hair long and strong while I can.

Watch the musical "Hair" it has a wonderful song sequence about long and lovely hair.
2008-07-18 13:40:05 UTC
Hey long hair is awesome. Think about it everyone is cutting there hair now because they have had long hair for a long time and want to try something new. Trust me long hair will be in soon. I mean it was just the other day when everyone was obsessed with extensions just give it time.
Lauren <3
2008-07-18 13:40:01 UTC
I'm kind of in the middle. my hair is not short, buy it us just below my shoulders. I like it at this length, and if it was too much longer i may not be able to take care of it well. i do, however, think that nice long hair looks great on a lot of people.

Lauren <3
2008-07-18 13:44:24 UTC
oh i totally agree. you can still look edgy with long hair and its way more manageable . i got about 7 inches of my hair cut last year and i totally regret it. i wanted a big change, so i loved it at first... but now i miss my hair which i have been trying to grow out and is currently at my shoulders. it still seems to short though. you're right. not all beauty has to include short hair!
2008-07-18 13:42:22 UTC
I agree with you, all these girls at school with full, long, pretty hair got their hair cut into bobs and short styles like that. It's their choice if they want to cut it, but I think it looks a whole lot better when it's long!
Gems D+G
2008-07-18 13:57:12 UTC
i had long hair for years and i had it all choped off a couple of months ago in the style of Rhianna's new cut and i love it, don't get me wrong sometimes i miss it but not so much that i wish i never done it, the cut has really brought out my features and i feel sooooo confident.

but i don't think you can deter-min whether long hair is better or short hair, because short hair looks better on me while long hair looks better on you, so it all depends on the person and their features
2008-07-18 13:40:06 UTC
Whenever I've gotten a short cut, I look like a 5 year old!

I don't like long hair to your navel, but I like an inch or two below your boob.../:
2008-07-18 13:38:19 UTC
I have long hair, always have, and love it! It is fun to style. It looks so pretty too after it is washed and brushed. Sometimes I want to cut it because it is so hot in the summer, lol, but I think long hair is pretty if it's well-maintained. So I'm with you. Go long hair lovers! :)
2008-07-18 13:37:44 UTC
Keep your long hair. It's so hard to grow back out once you cut it, and you're right too many people have short hair (including me).

A lot of guys like long hair and a lot of girls wish they had it, so just keep your hair long.

2008-07-18 13:38:02 UTC
Long hair will always be the sexiest look for us females. The short cuts look good on certain people, but too many people are getting them now.
2008-07-18 13:38:32 UTC
I prefer long hair, too. Still, down to my navel is too much for me because of my hair type. It'd look horrible unless I straightened it every day and that would take hours if it was that long. But, yeah, I'm with you.
2008-07-18 13:38:30 UTC
I Think short hair looks good on people but my hair is too thick so i dont really like it and love long hair. I also think it looks prettiest
Heart of a Vampire
2008-07-18 13:39:09 UTC
I know what you mean, everyone seems to like short hair these days...but I like my hair moderately long, like half way down my back...any longer and I can't manage it, and it gets tangled. But when my hair is short I hate not being able to play with it and put it up one day and in pony tails the next etc :)
2008-07-18 13:39:01 UTC
I love my long hair too.

I think long hair is more sophisticated looking, and short hair is good for looking edgy and different, like you said.

I might try cutting my hair short, but that's what I love about hair, you can do whatever you want with it, and it always grows back!

2008-07-18 13:42:42 UTC
I love long hair, too.

I've had mine very long, very VERY short ... like, 1 inch all over! And everything in between.

Right now it's a chin-length flicky, broken bob/shag hybrid thing.

I just don't have the time or patience for long hair ... if I did, I would definitely grow mine long again!
2008-07-18 13:39:22 UTC
i like long hair!

my hair is about 1/4 way down my back but i like you cut is short when i feel as if im getting bored or need a change of style.

2016-10-06 10:28:02 UTC
definitely, i do no longer care how human beings the place their hair, i propose i've got died mine rainbow colored XD i do no longer recommendations dudes with long hair (except this is greasy, coz this is basically nasty). one in all my ultimate associates has short hair and he or she do no longer supply a **** whilst all those bitchy ladies say she sounds like a boy, besides i comprehend what u propose by utilising judgemental idiots. shop your hair long if this is how u like it XD oh and that i'm a woman, and those are my recommendations approximately this concern ;)
2008-07-18 13:39:31 UTC
Um I dont agree with you my hair is 1 and a half inches below my shoulders. Long hair is old fashioned and you dont know what has gotten in to your hair. with short hair they can never get messy. easier to clean too. Trust me cut your hair or you will never be popular!
not this again
2008-07-18 13:38:08 UTC
I always liked my long hair, but after a friend came down w/ cancer I decided to donate 16 inches of it, leaving me with chin-lenght hair, it was cool for a while but i'm growing it out again!!
2008-07-18 13:38:02 UTC
I agree, everyong has they're style but I like long hair as long as the split ends are trimmed away once or twice a year
2008-07-18 13:38:39 UTC
I am not with you, regarding myself. I like how long hair looks on others though.

Plus, I have always looked ridiculous with long hair styles. With short hair, I can at least look almost cute.
2008-07-18 13:40:18 UTC
Long hair is good but not if you just grow it and just let it sit there.

Down to you navel is kinda too long for me.
aCristine Allen
2008-07-18 13:39:23 UTC
Oh i love having long hair too. Yea, everyong cuts there hair shorter to be edgy. I like having big, long, curly, beautiful "pornstar" hair as i call it. ;)

im with ya <3
2008-07-18 13:38:13 UTC
yea. i guess people have long hair in general and wanna look older or something so they cut it. But long luscious hair is beautiful. It looks exotic on some people. Long hair rockks
Jane L.
2008-07-18 13:37:35 UTC
Me too! I have long hair cut into layers so it looks fluffy! I just like the feeling of hair, on your shoulers, it blowing in the wind, awwww.
2008-07-18 13:41:49 UTC
i haven't cut my hair in 5 years and don't plan on gettin more than a trim off the ends every now and then.

long hair kicks a**
2008-07-18 13:39:45 UTC
I have long beachy curly light brown hair, and I would never trade it for the like "in style" stick straight bobs.. ever
2008-07-18 13:38:10 UTC
it depends, i can't generalize a hairstyle that could fit every girl.

i like my hair better long, but it depends on the person, there are a lot of cute short cuts.
2008-07-18 13:42:13 UTC
Nopee. I LOVEEEE Shoulder-Lenqthh Hairrrrr.
2008-07-18 13:37:43 UTC
i would never cut my hair really short except when im a really old lady.. i like longer hair
2008-07-18 13:38:17 UTC
YES! I'm a guy and I really like long hair on girls. I think it makes them look more feminine and beautiful. As long as it is straight that is, for you curly haired girls, sorry please keep it short haha! All my opinion of course.
2008-07-18 13:38:13 UTC
i love having my hair long. i used to be able to sit on it in first grade. then i had shoulder length for a while. i was raised that short hair was for boys and long hair is for girls. i feel prettier with long hair. especially if i curl or straighten it.
2008-07-18 13:37:19 UTC
i cut my hair short last summer and it's still not long...but yes i really miss my long hair
2008-07-18 13:38:13 UTC
I agree with you. I mean, short hair is cute and spunky, but I love having long hair...especially when I curl it =D
the world is crazzzy ♥
2008-07-18 13:37:50 UTC
i know what you mean! i got my long hair cut into a bob and hated it ! don't go with the flow do whatever you like!
2008-07-18 13:41:30 UTC
i youst 2 have long hair it was down to my thighs and i got it cut but my hairdresser cut it to short i have regretted it ever since :( ♥
2008-07-18 13:38:39 UTC
i think that long or short hair on women is fine whatever you think works best for you.

but guys with long hair need a haircut, especially if its so long that they look like girls
yea its me
2008-07-18 13:38:19 UTC
I have and love long hair too, i like it to be just long enough to cover my boobs lol
Just Me!(:
2008-07-18 13:38:28 UTC
i like shoulder length hair and a little bit long
2008-07-18 13:38:34 UTC
Long hairr ALL the wayyy.

im actually growing out to my elbow.

its about 2 inches past my boobs right now.

2008-07-18 13:41:10 UTC
If its well groomed and tidy its very becoming, if its lank and ropey its naff, I also have long hair, barbers are too expensive.
2008-07-18 13:39:24 UTC
In my opinion, after its past shoulder length, there really isn't a point in it growing any longer. It doesn't look any better.
steelers fan <3
2008-07-18 13:38:16 UTC
omg... i m in the same boat. i luv long hair, i m trying to grow it out as long as my belly button. that makes both of us~

good luck!
Alice B
2008-07-18 13:37:38 UTC
totally i luv long hair i think it goes better with most shirts and when i go tmine cutt i hated it you can also do more with long hair
2008-07-18 13:37:52 UTC
same here, i've had short hair and i don't like it much, but i don't like when it's too long.
2008-07-18 13:39:10 UTC
I COMPLETELY AGREE. I am trying to grow my hair to my navel too, haha. I have about 6 inches left to grow
Will T
2008-07-18 13:39:13 UTC
I like lengths from the shoulder to about the shoulder blade.
2008-07-18 13:37:46 UTC
I love long hair, as long as it's not thick and gross. Long hair ONLY looks nice when thinned out with layers, i don't care what anyone says. It looks gross and chunky otherwise.
2008-07-18 13:38:30 UTC
umm either way.

i love girls with long hawir- and with short hair
Jurnee Lee
2008-07-18 13:37:37 UTC
my hair is pretty long to and people have no right to tell you what you do with your body. it is your body do what u want
2008-07-18 13:37:21 UTC
yeah, i regret cutting my hair to a bob.

Now, i spending tons on extensions :]
2008-07-18 13:38:38 UTC
yup i love long hair when i was little i had long hair but now its down to my bra strap.
2008-07-18 13:37:54 UTC
I agree. short hair is nasty... long is the way to go... the longer the lusher...
2008-07-18 13:37:58 UTC
no im not with you. long hair is discusting and stringy and ratty. cut your hair chic
2008-07-18 13:37:56 UTC
i always have my hair long....not as long as yours but yea i love it!
sammy Senior
2008-07-18 13:37:41 UTC
im with you.

i love my long hair.

i would never drasticly cut it.
2008-07-18 13:38:24 UTC
good for you. some like it. some don't
2008-07-18 13:37:32 UTC
yea its nice
2008-07-18 13:37:37 UTC
mee 22 :]]]

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