What do you think of my long hair (BOY) (PIC)? ?
2008-12-28 18:27:18 UTC
I am a 14 year old boy with long blonde hair. I have been growing my hair for 2 years now, and it is getting really long. I have grown my hair this long before and donated it to Locks of Love. I have come to like my long hair very much. I know not many boys have long hair, but who cares? Many women have short hair today, and I think guys should be allowed to have long hair. I am not one to give in to society's pressure. I think real men do what they want.
So I really don't want to get it cut. What do you think of my long hair:

Does any girl find it attractive? and I know I look like a girl in some pics, I get that a lot!
74 answers:
2008-12-28 18:32:16 UTC
Aww, you are adorable. Im 14 too, and despite what the others say I think the length of your hair suites you well. Either way it would look good. Short or long :]
2008-12-28 18:33:21 UTC
My hair is that long in some places. Some people will like it some people won't, it will be pretty split up the middle, that doesn't matter. The long hair suits you really well, I say keep it. Girls like a rebel, even if they're as quiet as a mouse!^^ Keep your originality, if you lose that you have nothing. Your just another androgenous gray spot on the side of a system of conceitful biases that need to be broken!!!XO LOL
2008-12-28 18:35:06 UTC
you are adorable! and good for you for donating to Locks of love and for doing what you want! you know, even though you are still a kid, i think that you are already becoming a "real man" from the inside! I think that when you get a little older, you will be a really sexy guy, but if you do end up being really hot when you get older, I trust that you won't let it go to your head, right? You seem like you are smart with a big heart. keep it up, and continue to just be yourself.
2008-12-28 18:33:37 UTC
That's absolutely amazing. It kind of makes the surfer look for you - you have the tan and all. I think you can definitely pull it off, but I honestly wouldn't date a guy with that long hair. I think you should donate it and have it cut like this (it's still long for a boy but is a little more attractive) :
2008-12-28 18:30:10 UTC
If you like your long hair and are not bothered by the comments others may make then keep it. Like all things some people just prefer boys with short hair while others prefer long hair. Do what you think is right for you.
Whitney M
2008-12-28 18:32:55 UTC
Your such a little hottie....

It is up to you if you feel like getting it cut and giving it to someone that cant have hair then that is your choice but hair is hair it will always grow back the people that you are giving it to may not be able to get any more so you will definitely make someone very happy...

good luck but do what you want to do...
2016-10-05 13:50:58 UTC
i presumed I had long hair for a guy.. hah, do what you desire chum, I have been given made relaxing of continuously for my hair for the period of faculty. Now no person incredibly cares, and an superb form of ladies folk love my hair, and that i'm rather chuffed, so o what feels solid. And factors for donating it, I did that as quickly as i grew to become into incredibly youthful and had WAAAYYY longer hair than I do now haha.
2008-12-28 18:32:26 UTC
I think that if your growing your hair for a good cause like locks of love then it's really nice for you to grow it out, but what i think is that if a boys hair is better than mine, consisting in shine and texture then i don't like it. That's probably how most girls would think of it.
2008-12-28 18:31:15 UTC
I think that it is honorable that you want to donate you hair to locks of love. I don't think you look live a girl, but I don't think that the long hair is very attractive on you. You are such a cute boy, if you cut your hair you would be hott.
2008-12-28 18:38:30 UTC
I think it looks good on you! And no it does not make you look like a girl. I really love it actually. Plus I know that a lot of my friends would think you're real cute. I say just trim it a little, don't get rid of it all though.
2008-12-28 18:33:19 UTC
Haha, you look like a genuine surfer boy.

I think you should definitely cut it shorter, kind of like this though:

or maybe this:

You're actually really attractive.

And Locks Of Love is an amazing organization.
no one
2008-12-28 18:33:36 UTC
ok i am a girl so i should know......well first you need it to cut it just a little because some people might mistake you as a girl so make it long enough for you to flip it. but don't keep it the same. ( don't shave your head trust me)
2008-12-28 18:30:41 UTC
Channeling Tom Petty?
Valerie G
2008-12-28 18:31:45 UTC
I like it! Its AWWWdorable...

but since you mentioned lock of love. perhaps for the sake of the foundation just get it cut to hmm... past your neck line. get like crossover bangs or something. That would look cute!
2008-12-28 18:31:19 UTC
Wow its certainly very silky looking... i think you should wear your hair however you like it! It doesn't really appeal to me per say, but i few of my friends might like it. It seems a little too long for me, but i think you could get by with it.
2008-12-28 18:30:56 UTC
I don't like it, I think you should cut it off again and donate it. Yeah, you do look like a girl in some pics, that's exactly what I thought, lol. I don't like long hair on a man period.
2008-12-28 18:32:49 UTC
omg ur hair is longer than mine haha

it looks like u live in hawaii or california u look like a surfer boy

i think u should cut ur hair a little shorter some girls dont like dating guys with longer hair than them
2008-12-28 18:31:00 UTC
yes you do look like a girl.

but your hair colour is rarer than brown. You could actually donate or sell it for hair extensions possibly. But if you like it then its your choice.

I personally don't think long hair looks good on you.
2008-12-28 18:56:37 UTC
wow most girls hair isnt that nice looking!!

i think you should leave it if u like it bu tcut it if u think thats what u want. i guess thats not alot of help!!!

you would look better with it shorter but not to short!!
casey leanne
2008-12-28 18:34:09 UTC
im gonna be honest i like long hair on guys

and you have really pretty hair

so don'y worry about what other people think
2008-12-28 18:32:07 UTC
ok. im a teen around your age. your hair is to lonng :[ you have a really hot face ashahaah but cut it short and id bet if it was shortt you would get any girl you want :]
2008-12-28 18:30:02 UTC
i really like the long hair
2008-12-28 18:38:34 UTC would look better if you cut it...i mean you're cute but you do look like a girl..and what girl wants to date a guy that can be easily confused for a girl? i think you should cut it like jason dolly

furr surre :))
2008-12-28 18:31:15 UTC
love the hair but do think you would be cutier with it short

maybe you should have posted two pics one long hair one short
*la-la land.
2008-12-28 18:31:13 UTC
awww no you should cut it.

you look too much like a girl.

i'm 14 and i think you would be VERY hott if you had shorter hair (=
2008-12-28 18:31:01 UTC
o0 **** its really long

but shiny and pretty


i like guys with long hair

thats kinda extreme long..

its like metal long.. but you look like a surfer lol

i think you should do what ever you want

but if its getting a girl thats worrying you.. cut it.. but only up to like your shoulders

still long for a guy but a bit more tame

2008-12-28 18:33:13 UTC
well personally.. i think long hair is unattractive, but go for it! i go to a catholic school and the boys can't have their hair passed their eyebrows or shirt collar. and when the teachers yell at them... everyone says Jesus had long hair, why can't i? haha :D
2008-12-28 18:31:11 UTC
Looks like Jessica Simpson when she was younger....cut that hair you girly man.
2008-12-28 18:30:35 UTC
You are so good looking. I love guys with longer hair!

OMG- Freaking gorgeous!!!

Your long hair is prettier than any girl's hair :)

And you kind of remind me of Tarzan!
2008-12-28 18:32:38 UTC
sum girls find guys with long hair attractive but urs is too long, u should cut it like up tot he shoulder or up to ur neck or cheek. just my opinion.

i don't got anything against guys with long hair. i think its kool that u dont care wut other people think of u .
2008-12-28 18:30:40 UTC
I don't really like it, i think you should cut it short and donate it again. But if you really like your hair, who cares what i think.
2008-12-28 18:30:38 UTC
wow! you look so much like heath ledger. that's a good thing. doesn't matter what you do with your hair cause your face is pretty so that's all i care about haha!
2008-12-28 18:31:56 UTC
I honestly find that disgusting! and I can speak for many girls when I say that.

get a shorter cut

something like this:

would be so hot, you are a very attractive kid, you are just hiding it by you blinding long blonde locks.

a cute like that will accentuate your really nice face.


trust me, cut it kid.
Emily R
2008-12-28 18:31:31 UTC
I love your hair, and that you are acting against gender stereotypes. You rock.
2008-12-28 18:30:37 UTC
OMG! haha, that's soo long.

but i really think that you should donate it or something.

and get a cut like zac efron, you know the longer cut, not too short.

it will look good : )
2008-12-28 18:31:09 UTC
you have very nice hair, but you look ALOT like a girl
2008-12-28 18:29:52 UTC
Wow you're lucky. I wish MY hair would grow like that. lol

And you're cute, but I don't really like long hair on guys. Just my opinion.
Melissa N
2008-12-28 18:32:19 UTC
i think it really looks nice

its cool for you to not be afriad to look different

i wish i had such pretty hair!
:P assholes
2008-12-28 18:35:31 UTC
you have really nice hair. don't change it.... AT ALL... it's really pretty. the way your hair is styled makes you look feminine, which is really really cool. seriously. don't worry about your hair. it's really really nice.
2008-12-28 18:31:22 UTC
yeh u do look like a girl haha. i think it looks good. maybe cut it a little shorter, eg. up to shoulders. -girls opinion-
2008-12-28 18:31:10 UTC
its not attractive to me i just dont like long hair

like that on boys. i like skater hair like this:
2008-12-28 18:29:51 UTC
i like long hair, but yours is waaay long.

I think a shoulder length would look good on you.

or a little longer
2008-12-28 18:31:12 UTC
wow dude i hate to be mean but u look gay

no offense. get a hair cut you look much handsome
2008-12-28 18:32:13 UTC
sorry but no i dont think it is attractive. pleez cut it.

i gave my hair to locks of love one time.

if you like your hair keep it. it really dont matter to me but i dont like it.
2008-12-28 18:31:19 UTC
lol...nah, I think it's hot. I wish more boys were like you. <3
2008-12-28 18:33:17 UTC
cut it plz!hav it down to ur ears thats kinda long...
2008-12-28 18:32:30 UTC
ok. no affence. dude...seriously. CUT IT NOW! that is GROSS! its not good if a girl thinks your a girl when your a boy. not cool.
2008-12-28 18:30:07 UTC least cut your hair up to your might be kinda cute then...
2008-12-28 18:30:19 UTC
i think its pretty hot ;]

guys would long hair are awesome.
juliee <3
2008-12-28 18:29:44 UTC
eww sorry but thats too long for i thought u were a girl at first
2008-12-28 18:31:03 UTC
i am a girl and you are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!

can i email ya some time ;]
2008-12-28 18:31:03 UTC
your a guy?

seriously, i'm a girl. and you arent exactly a chick magnet.

you look really stupic. get it cut like Edward cullens. then you'll be the popular boy at school. wait nevermind. you have to girly of a face
2008-12-28 18:33:21 UTC
u shud cut it, you are really cute, but u shud cut it :) really short
2008-12-28 18:29:47 UTC
stop trolling. would you stand up in a crowed room and ask strangers if they like your hair and if any girls found you attractive?
2008-12-28 18:31:04 UTC
its to longg lol cutt it a lil bit
allie v
2008-12-28 18:30:15 UTC
it works for you maybe a little shorter like to your shoulders but the color works for you, you look cute :-)
2008-12-28 18:33:11 UTC

it's very disturbing :s

CUT IT FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you'll look normal with short hair.


have a nice life.

2008-12-28 18:30:33 UTC
i agrre wit jman dude shave it off
2008-12-28 18:30:19 UTC
your hot!

omg your hot!!

Answer mine?... it wont let me post the link on here, but if you click on my picture you'll be able to find it

thankss [=
2008-12-28 18:29:36 UTC
your hair is longer than mine!! haha cut it
2008-12-28 18:31:36 UTC
your super cute,

but the hair isnt that cute....


2008-12-28 18:30:39 UTC
yeah u should totally cut it
Live To Rock♪♫
2008-12-28 18:31:28 UTC
too too long!

cut it!
2008-12-28 20:36:29 UTC
wow you look like a chick whats wrong with you idk who told you to wear that you look absolutely disgusting
that's what she said
2008-12-28 18:31:01 UTC

you look skinny also

my baby sister can break you in half man
2008-12-28 18:35:33 UTC
i think yu can do wateva yu want... its yur hair and yur helpin ppl by donatin it, so f*** wat anybody else says.... jus my thoughts =]
2008-12-28 18:29:36 UTC
tooo longgg. cut it =]
2008-12-28 18:30:05 UTC
its creepy looking, no offense :)
2008-12-28 18:29:38 UTC

answer to all your problems
2008-12-28 18:30:07 UTC
i think you should cut it...
2008-12-28 18:31:14 UTC
2008-12-28 18:30:31 UTC
ew, i'm fourteen,

and that's SO gross.

cut it.
2008-12-28 18:30:02 UTC
dear lord.

cut it. please.

from behind you prolly look like a girl.
2008-12-28 18:31:01 UTC
ohhhhhhhhh my GOD!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.