Tell me a little about yourself...?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Tell me a little about yourself...?
34 answers:
2006-11-24 13:30:12 UTC
i like bottled water
2006-11-24 14:15:30 UTC


I'm fine

Infected by Bad Religion

My 15 year old sister

Her eyes


watch brother run in circles

dirty blond

light blue

step brother and sister


the descent

New year's day

Sunday (church)

sort of

summer( its freezing in Alabama)




red rose

fiddling with this message


picture of Guitar Hero


it made me feel better and i had a nice laugh

at the beginning yes/rest no



yes it is James

is that a horoscope? mines Sagittarius

Cristian Kellog, Milka, Foster


sort of



no not really,but i want u to email me and all that i did i want u to do the same. my email is
2006-11-24 13:58:01 UTC
Ciaran O'Mahony


Great! Its a Friday!

Cheap Trick- I Want You to Want Me

My mate Adam

Shoes (converses turn me on)


Me+My Mates and Girlfriend+Excessive amounts beer+Guitar=Happiness

Dark brown

Deep brown( sounds sexier lol)

two brothers & two sisters

Chinese takeaway- not classy but love it

Jagshemash! Borat lol

Supersunday (when Arsenal play Untd)

Saturday is the best day of the week sunday is probally the worste as you feel that theres work tomorrow and you could've had a more productive weekend so just feels crap.


Summer but winter is a close second

Oscar Wilde-Dorian Gray and NME magazine

Morning dew on a football pitch in Autumn (near a burger stand)


Blossom is a kind of flower isn't it? you know the purple stuff that looks quite cool

French Oral Exam(fiddling about in my head)

Its cold no windows

My lyrics lol

I hope you like my life, you should try living it! :D
2006-11-24 13:45:55 UTC
What is your name? ALEXA

How old are you? 12

How are you today? OKAY... I GUESS

What are you listening to right now? THE TV

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? MY FRIEND SARAH

First thing you notice about a member of the opposite sex? FACE

Favourite drink? POWERADE

Favourite pastime? SHOPPING



Have any siblings? YES, A BROTHER

Your favourite food? SEAFOOD

Last film you watched? JOHN TUCKER MUST DIE

Your favourite day of the year? DECEMBER 8

Which do you prefer - Saturday or Sunday? SATURDAY!!!!

Do you like Marmite? I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THAT IS

Which do you prefer - Summer or Winter? SUMMER

What was the last book you read? THE SUPERNATURALIST

What is your favourite smell?? ABERCROMBIE&FITCH STORE LOL

What is your favourite crisp flavour? ???

What is your favourite flower? I DONT CARE

Are you fiddling with something?!? NOPE, I USUALLY DO THOUGH! LOL

How many windows do you currently have open?? What are they? NONE

What was the last thing you saved on your computer?? MY CHRISTMAS LIST
2006-11-24 13:38:14 UTC
My name is Valeria.My favorite color is Blue.My favorite song is Chaing Hang Low.My favorite singer is Zac Efron he is a cutie!!!My favorite day of the week is Friday because there is no more school.My favorite drink is Soda.My favorite food is Cordin Blue.I am 12 years old.I have a crush on a boy named Fernando.He likes me to.But we are to scared to ask each other out.My favorite holiday is Christmas because you get a lot of presnts.
2006-11-24 13:30:56 UTC
whoa whoa whoa, you first missy!!
2006-11-24 13:53:42 UTC
Name: Anonymous, fine it's S........


My head hurts from last night's Thanksgiving party. Ooooww. (I need Excedrin).

I'm listening to the TV.

My friend.

His eyes.


Wasting time online when I should be studying. OMG! Sh*t, I have a project to do. ARGH!

Hair: dark brown

Eyes: honey(light) brown

Siblings: one(brother)

Food: no real preference

Movie: Grudge 2. Still boring. Man why did I give freaking $7 for that stupid movie, for the second time.

My favorite day of the year?!! WTF?!! Okay, my birthday. It's in fall.




Last Book: Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. Great book!

Definitely vanilla.

I don't have one.

Favorite flower: red roses. Romantic. :-)

Yeah, my fingers. All these questions are making me think too much. LOL.

One. Yahoo Answers.

My geography project.

NO more!!! Please!! Just kidding. I love answering these. Oh, I just hope I made it long enough so none of my friends read this. Yikes. OK, bye. hehe. :-D
jit bag
2006-11-24 13:41:04 UTC
Jit Bag


Bored & tired

People chatting

My boyfriend

His smile

Anything w/ vodka

Reading/ traveling

Dark brown

Dark brown

2 pretty little sisters

I love all food

I think the last movie I saw was The General's Daughter


Sunday = lazy day

Sure, why not?


7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Laundry detergent

Salt & vinegar

I don't have a fav flower

I am bored out of my mind

7 windows: email, 2 x work software, 2 x intranet, 1 instant msg, & yahoo answers

2006-11-24 13:35:04 UTC
Eh,why not:

alicia; 26; better than usual; kids talking; friend veronica; blank; scotch (crystal lite for non-al)

unsure for now; brown; brown; 2 brothers; shrimp chimichanga,mmm ;P ; stranger than fiction; mothers day; saturday; sure why not; winter; mayo clinic; country apple; spicey; wild flowers; nope; just this; virtual candle;

have a nice life
2006-11-24 13:34:56 UTC
Mr. Yammaha (it's not my real name, it was name given to me by the first Americans I met in the states. My name is hard for them to pronounce, so I took this as stage name.)


I'm well, thank you!


Chuck Sanders


Cold American Coca Cola (it taste different in Japan)

I beat piss out of drums!

Drak Brown




Stop Making Sense

Joey Ramone's Birthday!

Satruday, that's when my band plays!


Summer, girls in shorts!

Book of SubGenius! Electric Bill made me read it!

I can't post that here.




None, it's cold here.

Pictures of my band, The Kreeps!
2006-11-24 13:31:36 UTC
you just saved urself like 100 points, by asking 21 questions in one...WOW!

oh yeah...BTW

I was crazy once...My doctor put me in a round room and told me to sit in a cornor...I said, I can't sit in a cornor in a round room, you must be crazy...I was crazy once........

Okay, got me to want to answer now that everybloody-body else

Tell me a little about yourself...? 35, to find Crystals, Agates, GEMSTONES...etc

I write poetry, like Photography, Cycling, and downhill skiing.

My longest Bicycle ride...I was 18 yrs. old.

I pedaled from Tacoma, WA up to Paradise Mt. Rainier( 5,500ft.) then around the mountain... down into BOX CANYON, then up like 1,500 feet out of that...and back down to like 100 feet above sea-level...Rode over CAYUSE PASS, like another 5,000 ft.

That was approximately 120 miles allready, then we, my frind and I still had about 60 miles or more to get back to Tacoma.

We stopped at a DENNYS at like 11:30 pm that day, in FIFE,WA. we startes the ride at about 3:30, which turned out to be a little too early , as we only had STREETlights out to MOUNTAIN-HWY.

What is your name? it means, DARK or Black river, from it original origin...and SEEKER of light in the CHRISTIAN MEANING.

The original origin is like Irish, or Dutch...

How old are you? Born in 1971...35 yrs old last October 28...

I have a daughter who is 14.

How are you today? Miserable???, a little depressed, sorta unhappy.

But now ur question is making me laugh quietly to myself...ty

What are you listening to right now? The T.V is at least two rooms of the house, so a combination of that and my slow hunt and peck, sorta, typing.

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? I hung up on an," unknown name/ unknown number, they called back and it was my g.f's, boys doctor, calling to confirm an appt.

First thing you notice about a member of the opposite sex? they're looks.

Favourite drink? COFFEE/ ESPRESSO

Favourite pastime? ROCKHOUNDING...searching the gravels of river beds for agate, petrified wood, Jasper, quartz, fossil rocks...etc.

Or hiking in the mountains, to go to my FAVORITE CRYSTAL HUNTING SITE...HANSON CREEK DIG, in or at SNOQUALMIE PASS, WA. Finding my largest Amethyst crystal there this year, about 2x2 inches (which is currently...MIA(thats ,Missing In ACTION))

Hair colour? Blond

Eye colour? Blue

Have any siblings? two older bro's and an older sister, she practically raised me...well her and

Your favourite food? I love SEAFOOD, Crab, Lobster, etc...

But usually settle for CHICKEN, pork-chops, occasionally STEAK...MMM now I'm getting hungary...thanks a

Last film you watched? Hmm...FILM or MOVIE?...I guess I just caught the end of SILVERADO on SHOWTIME, seen the end like three times, I wish I could catch the BEGINNING...

Your favourite day of the year? I think it is still my birthday...

But then again I think now it is as soon as the snow melts so I can go dig for my Crystals at HANSON CREEK...S.P.

Which do you prefer - Saturday or Sunday? SATURDAY

Do you like Marmite? I like CALCITE and I think thats close

Which do you prefer - Summer or Winter? Summer, since the ROCKS/ GEMSTONES are much easier to get at when they are not burried under snow, or the river is not so icy cold...but then there was the DOWNHILL SKIING, before I moved to the desert for 5 years and left my skiis in storage there for the last 5 yrs...

What was the last book you read? The last book of the LEFT BEHIND SERIES...something RISING???

What is your favourite smell?? I like MINT, and THYME I think is my NORTHWEST favorite...or the smell of leaves in autumn, or the smell of the ocean salt air...well one of those...

What is your favourite crisp flavour? CRISP FLAVOR...???fresh???MMMmmm uhhh hmmmm...have to come back to that one...

What is your favourite flower? well it was

but now it is same as my g.f's... I think as far as smell anyway..Pink CINNAMONY SMELLING, CARNATION.

Are you fiddling with something?!? nope.

How many windows do you currently have open?? What are they? yahoo!...mail & Answers...oh and the COMMON folder is still open.

What was the last thing you saved on your computer?? A picture of MARS for background/ screensaver...

What was the last thing you ate?!? Some leftover Stuffing...

What came first: the chicken or the egg?!?! God / then the Chicken.

Do you like your middle name? it is the name of a common northwest bird...yeah I like it...Especially when people I meet say what is your middle name, and I say JAY, and they try and guess what it

What Chinese star sign are you? I was born in the year of the Rat, I think...

If you had to name three people in the world who you genuinely HATE who would they be? g.f's 14 yr. old...well hate may be a little strong...Loathe /despise/ dread...hmmm. hate seems to work pretty well, but then see that would not go along with being a CHRISTIAN...I really do not HATE anyone, but you get the point. though I am pretty sure he hates me...and God, and himself, so whatever...

Name a stereotype that you are closest to... ROCKHOUND, if that is a steriotype...that or *SSHOLE...sometimes:)

Do you think you are pretty/good looking? blond hair/ blue eyes, 5'11" was an avid cyclist, now I smoke cigaretts for my HEALTH...I hit a steel cable, like a 1/4 inch wide steel cable while cycling about a crash into a car that TURNED RIGHT in front of me while CYCLING like 25+MPH..., and then while trying to give a co-worker a "startle" as she was walking up the sidewalk...right after work..I sped past her on my mtn. bike on the right side...forgetting a retaining wall was just ahead, again going probably 30 MPH. on my BICYCLE...that is just CRAZY I KNOW.

So I sped past JO, yeah she freaked out when I hit the retaining wall and bicycle and I flew as ONE for quite literally 20 feet through the air until i skidded, in shorts and T-shirt on the pavement...I learned real well, for the next month all about ROADRASH, from about my shin all the way up to my thigh, on the whole right side of my body, and then from my FOREARM on up to my shoulder...I had to twist my foot & take off my shoe to get it outta the toe/DEATH clips, never used those again!

And the steel cable I hit, that went across, from some *SSHOLE'S yard, then continued across the PUBLIC SIDEWALK, (that maybe I shouldn't have been on in the first place...) well it caused 18 STITCHES from the cornor of my lip, across the right side of my face...leaving about a 1 inch scar...I always say...Yeah, you should see the other I sorta gave up cycling, for a while...about 4 years ago.

I got sorta FAT for the first time ever in my life...high metabolism...and then delivered ICE last summer, bringing me back down again...I think I look okay for 35, the cigaretts have yet to take their toll on me as I didn't ever even smoke til I was at least 18, then it never beacam a habit til like just the last year or so...I am about all done with em...I think.

I do want to be able to cycle again before I get too d*mn old...

Do you like to dance? No not really...never went to any Jr. High, or Highschool dances, at least not to dance...

And mmm I get sorta freaked out in front of a bunch of people....

What type of music do you listen to? ROCKnROLLI love the DOORS, Jim Morrison died like 2 minutes before I was born...I think, or within hours I suppose...I like the Beatles, and then like AC/DC, METALLICCA, OZZY, GREENDAY, etc. etc... and lots of the new bands like new rock...whatever they're calling it now...

Was answering this quiz a complete waste of time? no, yes sorta, but it is gray and nasty out and I was pretty bored sitting here on YAHOO! ANSWERS...and this has given me now, like an hour of entertainment...your one/ 25

So no it was good.



So are you like stuck inside, or doing a PSYCHOLOGY PROJECT, or just bored???

Well it gave me something to do for like the last ten or twenty minutes anyway...


Ya know I am sorry for any errors, I am not going back to
button moon
2006-11-24 13:41:47 UTC
Tell me a little about yourself...?

What is your name? RACHEL

How old are you? 23

How are you today? 23

What are you listening to right now? IM A CELEB

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? PARTNER

First thing you notice about a member of the opposite sex? LOVELY



Hair colour? DARK BROWN

Eye colour? SAME

Have any siblings? 3 BROTHERS 1 SISTER

Your favourite food? CHINESE

Last film you watched? ANGELAS ASHES (LAST NIGHT)

Your favourite day of the year? XMAS DAY

Which do you prefer - Saturday or Sunday? SATURDAY

Do you like Marmite? YES

Which do you prefer - Summer or Winter? WINTER

What was the last book you read? LEE CHILD,THE HARD WAY

What is your favourite smell?? ROAST DINNER

What is your favourite crisp flavour? CHEESE DORITOES

What is your favourite flower? TULIPS

Are you fiddling with something?!? YEP THIS KEYBOARD

How many windows do you currently have open?? What are they? 1 BATHROOM

What was the last thing you saved on your computer?? PICTURES OF MY DAUGHTERS

Once there was a/an YOU. It lived in a huge DECENT with it's ABSURD. It enjoyed SEX and PARENT and making CHEESE. But, unfortunetely, one day it ASTHMATIC which was very STUPID. So then it decided to AWAREThe end. Thank you for your HUSBAND

Did you enjoy that?? Did the story make sense?!? IT DIDNT

What was the last thing you ate?!? TWIRL BAR

What came first: the chicken or the egg?!?! EGG

Do you like your middle name? HAVENT GOT ONE

What Chinese star sign are you? DONT KNOW

If you had to name three people in the world who you genuinely HATE who would they be? MY SISTER,TONY BLAIR,GOD

Name a stereotype that you are closest to MY AVATOR

Do you think you are pretty/good looking? IM AVERAGE

Do you like to dance? NAH

What type of music do you listen to? INDIE


15 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer. - 28 answers - Report Abuse
2006-11-24 13:43:21 UTC
What is your name? Santa

How old are you? 689973498639267347 years old

How are you today? STRESSED only 30 some days till christmas!

What are you listening to right now? The elves merry music

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Toys R us they suck at getting orders in on time

First thing you notice about a member of the opposite sex? There rosy cheeks <3

Favourite drink? Hot chocolate

Favourite pastime? SNOWMEN!!!!!

Hair colour? gray

Eye colour? blue

Have any siblings? yeah my brother leroy is a bailbondsman in florida!!

Your favourite food? ALL

Last film you watched? It was an autobiography on myself!

Your favourite day of the year? DUH!!! thanksgiving lol

Which do you prefer - Saturday or Sunday? weekends dont matter to me i have january throuh august off

Do you like Marmite? what??

Which do you prefer - Summer or Winter? duh summer is soo much better!

What was the last book you read? the night before christmas

What is your favourite smell?? GINGERBREAD COOKIES!!

What is your favourite crisp flavour? sour cream and onion HECK YES!!

What is your favourite flower? i dont c flowers at the north pole :-(

Are you fiddling with something?!? my belt seems not to fit at the moment...

How many windows do you currently have open?? What are they? its too cold for windows

What was the last thing you saved on your computer?? duh my myspace pictures

More to come =P =D

Additional Details

What was the last thing you ate?!? TURKEY

What came first: the chicken or the egg?!?! ALL OF THEM!

Do you like your middle name? i dont remember it..i have alzheimres

What Chinese star sign are you? i dont remember them

If you had to name three people in the world who you genuinely HATE who would they be? well neone responsible for global warming is a start!! im losing my ice caps here!!

Name a stereotype that you are closest to everyone thinks im fat!! i happen to be a slender 140

Do you think you are pretty/good looking? HECK YES!!

Do you like to dance? of course

What type of music do you listen to? mostly the elves

Was answering this quiz a complete waste of time? YES IM BEHIND TOY SCHEDULE NOW!!!!!!
2006-11-24 13:42:54 UTC
What is your name? Collins.

How old are you? 13

How are you today? 13

What are you listening to right now? Pain - Three Days Grace

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Zak

First thing you notice about a member of the opposite sex? uh the face.

Favourite drink? root beer.

Favourite pastime? rollerblading.

Hair colour? black.

Eye colour? brown.

Have any siblings? one.

Your favourite food? mcdonalds.

Last film you watched? saw 3.

Your favourite day of the year? december 25.

Which do you prefer - Saturday or Sunday? Sunday.

Do you like Marmite? no.

Which do you prefer - Summer or Winter? summer.

What was the last book you read? be more chill - ned vizzini.

What is your favourite smell?? girl. haha

What is your favourite crisp flavour? barbeque.

What is your favourite flower? uh... venus fly trap.

Are you fiddling with something?!? the keyboard.

How many windows do you currently have open?? 5

What are they? msn messenger. this one. msn convo. yahoo fantasy hockey. and Windows Media Player.

What was the last thing you saved on your computer?? A song i wrote.
2006-11-24 13:36:19 UTC
What is your name? BEX

How old are you? 15

How are you today? 15

What are you listening to right now? my chemical romance

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?a m8 (laura)

First thing you notice about a member of the opposite sex? height and if they are fit :P

Favourite drink? cola !! HEHE

Favourite pastime? errrr gd and ma x bf snogging :D miss him

Hair colour? blonde (long)

Eye colour? blue

Have any siblings? 1 sis 2 bros

Your favourite food? pizza and chicken

Last film you watched? errr "the sisterhood of the traveling pants"

Your favourite day of the year? christmas and ma birthday

Which do you prefer - Saturday or Sunday? saturday - better tv

Do you like Marmite? no use to though

Which do you prefer - Summer or Winter? errr summer or in the winter wen it is snowing not raining!!

What was the last book you read? cant remember - ehehe shows how much i read :S

What is your favourite smell?? ermm ma body spray i have :P

What is your favourite crisp flavour? salt and vinager

What is your favourite flower? rose

Are you fiddling with something?!? nope not atm

How many windows do you currently have open?? one

What are they? ermmm shed

What was the last thing you saved on your computer?? a downloaded song
2006-11-24 13:33:15 UTC
What is your name? KRISTINE

How old are you? 22 IN FIVE DAYS


What are you listening to right now? MY NEPHEW PLAYING A VIDEO GAME

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? CHRISTOPER

First thing you notice about a member of the opposite sex? THEIR FACE


Favourite pastime? PAINTING

Hair colour? BLACK

Eye colour? GREEN/BROWN

Have any siblings? ONE SISTER, PAULINE


Last film you watched? BORAT

Your favourite day of the year? NOVEMBER 1ST

Which do you prefer - Saturday or Sunday? SATURDAY


Which do you prefer - Summer or Winter? WINTER

What was the last book you read? INTENSITY BY DEAN KOONTZ

What is your favourite smell?? THE LACK OF SMELL THAT COMES WHEN IT SNOWS A LOT

What is your favourite crisp flavour? CRISP FLAVOUR? YOU LOST ME

What is your favourite flower? ORANGE GERBER DAISIES

Are you fiddling with something?!? THE COMPUTER

How many windows do you currently have open?? What are they? ONE, MY BEDROOM WINDOW

What was the last thing you saved on your computer?? A PICTURE
2016-05-23 02:56:09 UTC
I'm Rachel, I'm 14 years old and I live in Massachusetts. I don't really do any school sports but I like to do Tae Kwon Do. I have a tenancy to dance around my room like a complete retard. I love the beach but I can't swim. :P I also love sunsets and really long walks which I take a lot. I like to read, and I write sometimes too. I'm not artistic, I suck at drawing but I love looking at art and admiring what others can do. I LOVE music, just about any genre. I also really enjoy baking and a little cooking, but I don't have a favorite food. I like to think I'm a fun person but I'm not into popularity/drama and I only have one friend who I can truly call my best friend. Well, that's pretty much all I can think of. Haha, I just read what I wrote and that sounds pretty cheesy, but that's my life. (:
2006-11-24 13:30:20 UTC
Tell me a little about yourself...?

What is your name? Lisa

How old are you?16

How are you today?Great, it's my birthday!

What are you listening to right now?Jackson Waters-center of Attention

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?My friend Amy

First thing you notice about a member of the opposite sex?Body

Favourite drink?Juice

Favourite pastime? Fingerpainting in Kindergarden. Those were the easy days. No worries, just sheer bliss.

Hair colour?Brown

Eye colour?Greenish-brown

Have any siblings?Yep

Your favourite food?hmmm, strawberries?

Last film you watched?Elf

Your favourite day of the year?November 24th, Hannukkah!

Which do you prefer - Saturday or Sunday? Saturday

Do you like Marmite?huh?

Which do you prefer - Summer or Winter? Summer, [ I'm a San Diegan!]

What was the last book you read? A Million Little Pieces by James Frey, it was excellent

What is your favourite smell?? Estee Lauder- Beautiful Sheer

Britney Spears-Fantasy

What is your favourite crisp flavour?Umm.. notsure

What is your favourite flower? Chrysanthemum

Are you fiddling with something?!? Nope

How many windows do you currently have open?? None

What was the last thing you saved on your computer??Pictures
2006-11-24 13:38:31 UTC



I'm a celebrity on TV

My friend Debbie




Red (bottle!)

Blue (natural!)

1 sister

Medium Rare Steak and all the trimmings

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (DVD!)

New Years Eve

Sunday lie ins!!



Just Another Kid - Torey hayden

Ground Coffee

Roast Parsnip! Yummmmmmm

Yellow Roses


Messenger and Yahoo Answers

Probably a letter
2006-11-24 13:34:27 UTC




A wrong number


Dr Pepper

Surfing the Net



Younger Brother


Magic Roundabout

My Birthday




Men are from Mars




My hair

5, mail, photos, skype, iTunes and browser

A document from an e-mail.
2006-11-24 13:32:19 UTC
JD and coke make it a dble


i love the smell of my own farts

and im fiddling with my boyfriend

blue eyes


2006-11-24 13:40:52 UTC
sorry cant go that far you only asked for a little about yourself but my favourite flower is a white lilly is that ok
2006-11-24 13:32:22 UTC
Arrrrrrrgh! Too many questions! My brain is exploding!
2006-11-24 13:34:16 UTC
You ask alot of questions !
2006-11-24 13:31:12 UTC
moon cheese is the greatest
Gina L
2006-11-24 13:35:30 UTC
what kinda question is this? isn't this a survey? umm.... i don't think you should put this on yahoo answers
#1 yankees fan
2006-11-24 17:21:14 UTC
no why do you want know all of things about me???
Lency H
2006-11-24 13:36:18 UTC
2006-11-24 13:30:42 UTC
e mail me we can chat. honestly, we can be freinds:)

catch you later
2006-11-24 13:31:14 UTC
currently I am amnesiac....
2006-11-24 13:49:49 UTC
No, no, no..........after you.
siera k
2006-11-24 13:31:06 UTC


you can be mine
2006-11-24 14:15:10 UTC
2006-11-24 13:31:45 UTC
why exactly??

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.