He shows what he is at 2mins. 47secs.
He's no genius; he couldn't even hold his marriage together!
And he's too vain, insecure, and egotistical to admit he's been losing his hair for a very long time. What the hell is that he does with what's left?
I dread to think what'll happen to America if they vote him in. He's an embarrassment as it is.
The rest of the world leaders would quietly shuffle away from him like he's a senile buffoon at any meetings he'd attend, were he to become president. He's even worse than George W. Bush, and that's saying something!
Don't let him destroy you, America! Don't vote him in!
This terrorism has nothing to do with Islam, that's just an excuse its creators use to con foolish young men and women into doing their dirty-work for them. It's about nasty, devious, evil old men like Osama Bin Laden and the other heads of the Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and ISIS seeing their selfish, power-hungry, misogynist way of life threatened by the likes of us here in the West, and more progressive, humanitarian people in their own lands, like Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani schoolgirl who stood up to the Taliban and defended her right to an education, and got shot and almost killed for it. Don't be fooled by the rhetoric of the ignorant, hateful people on both sides of this war against terrorism! You'd be playing into all their hands!