Hola :)!... Yes, I'm Hispanic, too :)!... But not as ya might think; let me tell you this ->Hispanic is NOT a race, nor it is an ethnicity, since we dont have the same cultures and traditions (What the...!!), we're VERY different, although we're stereotyped; Hispanic is all about the languiage imposicion and a term given to us by U.S.A. because of this; like for example, I'm Black; what race are you!?; 'cause Hispanic is not, since it simply ain't a race!...
Secondly; I know we should respect everybody's beleif/s, yet we have a right to opine and have our thoughts about it/them; we dont have to agree to get along or/and respect each others; BUT, a thing like that one you're "friend" is doing, its gonna be done against you, it is not right, coming from someone you'd call a friend, unless you were wrong and she was doing the right thing or so; and it goes totally against us as Hispanics, too!...
Look; it is like when someone wanna kill you, and i know it, and still like that, i give him/her the gun and tell him/her where you are!; thats not being friend; sorry; but she ain't a friend for u, no matter what shes done for and to u in the past; thats not of a friend and most important, correct!...
Y'all gotta learn the real menaing of friendship!.
And, of course yes, that's offensive and disappointing from someone who think is a friend! ...Fvck that b¡tch!.
Donald is just plain ignorant, wrong thinking us Latinos are the ones who fvck up U.S.A.; he and all Americans supportin him should look themselves in a mirror!..
I know there are some Latinos who are sh¡t, but there are many uf us who are the sh¡t, such as it happenes to Americnas, too!. We are not all the same, his generalization is wrong, thats just hatred; how can't someone see it!!?!.
Donald is a fvcking discriminator hid in the sentence of "I want the best for my country!"; if he was, although, a bit intelligent, he'd know the way he wanna reach that is wrong, destructive, discriminating, derogatory for many, and people who support him would, too. SMH!...
A belief is a beleif, but in front of the truth it has nottin to do!.
Tén un buen día, baby :)!...