Should I be offended?
2016-02-22 16:31:20 UTC
I am Hispanic and I have many friends of different races. One of my friends, who is white, is voting for Donald Trump. She knows how Donald Trump feels towards different races, such as Hispanics, yet she is still voting for him? I made a joke to her about it, and she told me she was voting for him so he could 'Make America Great Again'.

Is this something I should be offended by? Should I confront her about it? All my friends, who are not white, have been talking about it. We know we shouldn't let politics ruin our friendship, but maybe it's for the best?
216 answers:
2016-02-22 19:24:31 UTC
First of all, Hispanic isn't a race it's an ethnicity. Depending on where you're actually from, your race could be white. Donald Trump has yet to say anything racist. You could argue that he's said things very discriminatory and prejudiced, but not racist. Stop claiming that everything is racist, I really get annoyed by people like you.

Secondly, politics shouldn't play any role in your friendship with someone. If someone is truly a friend, you should be able to share and argue your different opinions and still be just as close of friends as you were before you debated. Someone that doesn't want to be my friend just because I support someone that they don't isn't someone I would want to be friends with, but that's just me.

Lastly, if you want to be offended then go right ahead. Guess what? You being offended has literally no impact on anything. Nobody on the entire planet cares that you're offended. It's called the real world.
2016-02-23 05:44:26 UTC
Should you be offended? That is your choice; entirely up to you. However, it would be very immature of you to let this come between you and your friend. Many people believe that Trump would be an amazing president. Also, many people believe that immigration levels are too high and it is having a negative impact on the economy and human relations. The things he said about keeping illegal immigration at bay is a good thing. If you don't want to go through the process to be a legal citizen then you don't belong here regardless of your background and how good of a person you are, it is that simple. If you came here to be pandered to because of your race, then you've got problems. Sorry but people like you are what's wrong with America and the UK. Too many people like you believe that you can't have an opinion if it offends someone (thought crime) , so either crawl back to your little safe space at your university or grow the hell up. It is that simple. Either that, or get the hell out of our country.
2016-02-24 15:08:24 UTC
You are mixing up a lot of different ideas and issues. You may be offended by Trump, but what exactly has your friend done to offend you beyond exercise her legal right to support a candidate. Should other people be offended if you support someone else? If you suspect your friend is a racist or want to know if she supports and approves of Trumps comments about illegal immigration, then you may have an open political conversation where you ask questions, listen to answers, and express your own views.

Sometimes we hold an idea, opinion, or belief so strongly that we cannot tolerate people with an opposing view. If everything you know about your friend is completely negated by her support of Trump, then you probably don't have much of a basis for an on-going friendship. Other people can respect and even enjoy or appreciate other people's views without agreeing with them. You just have to decide.
2016-02-23 01:20:29 UTC
being offended is your choice, however I find it shallow that you would allow that to come between you and your friendship with her. Trump would be an amazing president, she is smart, the things he said about keeping illegal immigration at bay is a good thing. If you don't want to go through the process to be a legal citizen then you don't belong here regardless of your background and how good of a person you are. You don't like him cause he'll send your illegal homies asses back to Mexico. He's not wrong she's a smart woman who should be the first female president and you're ridiculous for having a ego So big that you can't be friends with anyone who doesn't agree with you if you came here to be racially patronized and consoled you're an idiot. Sorry but people like you are what's wrong with America. You can't have an opinion offends someone (thought crime) get off your high horse and grow the **** up.
2016-02-23 15:07:58 UTC
Trump is pandering to a constituency. He needs to get elected to do anything. Same with all the other candidates. Between Trump and a fundamentalist evangelical Christian, I'd rather have Trump. He is not as frightening. Unfortunately the democrats have 2 large hills to overcome, the opinion polls on Obama and lack of depth in the down-level offices. When the congress is in trouble and the president has a low opinion level the president's party doesn't have much of a chance historically.

Nah, he can't offend you. You're OK. And a friend that would lose you, or you lose a friend wasn't much of a friend anyway.
2016-02-23 12:44:09 UTC
As someone who is Hispanic, despite my complexion making others think differently, I would never be offended by someone else having a political opinion and voting for who they think is best, even if I think their choice is bad for whatever reason. I'm not even offended by Trump for that matte, because although he was ungraceful in saying it there are bad people coming from Mexico into the states usually a part of Cartels and wreaking Havoc in the border states amongst the legal and illegal populations there both hispanic and non-hispanic.

But again, no you should not be offended it's their opinion, and they're your friend. Now you can think their opinion is dumb/disagree but you shouldn't be offended, just like they shouldn't be offended if you said you were voting Cruz or Sanders and they thought your choice was a bad one.
2016-02-23 00:54:01 UTC
Why aren't you paying attention to what Trump says. He says he feels negatively towards illegal citizens and business being done incorrectly. You should only feel offended if you're associated with a group like ms-13, the mexican mafia, the bulldogs etc. Because that's who he insulted.

You think you're a hard core vato with tear drops tattooed on his eye? You got a condo in oakland or somethin? You black panthers? What's your marks? How many people have you shot? Robbed?

If you don't know that stuff than you shouldn't feel offended you should feel fortunate someone like Trump would get in at all. He will enable unions, rebuild the entire economy globally, draw in millions and millions of jobs and raise the average wage without raising the minimum wage.

If anything she should feel offended you are getting defensive. You look like a shady tweaker with that attitude. You jesse pinkman? You like walter white? Well stop scaring her if you're not.
The Wise Fool
2016-02-25 18:40:53 UTC
Friendship is something to be valued and what makes a good friendship is how much people accept others for things they don t personally like. That s true love and friendship. Only being friends with people who agree with you all the time and only enjoy the things you like tends to reflect more self-centeredness. I think Trump is an absolute ***. I personally don t like anyone on either side. I tend to think the Dem/Rep are two sides of the same coin and I have strong feelings about this, but at times, those feelings have gotten in the way of love for another person. And there is absolutely no excuse for that. If you want to look at this on an even bigger scope, I would argue that there is never a need to ever get offended by anything from anyone. The whole reason anyone would do anything to hurt you in the first place is because they are hurt and they are suffering. So we have the ability to love those who spit in our faces and accept those who want to take advantage of us. It s a hard thing and most think that s completely ridiculous, but this can and most definitely will change the world.
2016-02-23 10:16:58 UTC
Yes, you should feel offended. Your ethnicity is Hispanic, and she's knows how Donald Trump feels towards Latinos. Your "friend" is dumb for saying that she's going to vote for him. You better end your friendship with a person that doesn't respect your race. Also, Donald Trump mostly complains about the illegal Mexicans, but you still have the right to be offended.
2016-02-23 12:05:23 UTC
Donald Trump does not think negatively about other races per se, if that is what you are inferring. He simply recognizes that there are a number of issues in the United States and throughout the world such as illegal immigration, outsourcing of jobs, and foreign policy, among other issues. When discussing these issues, of course there will be mentioning of the identity of these people, as I would not know how one could word it any other way, but his intention is not to offend people, especially on the basis of their racial or ethnic identity.

I am a non-white individual myself, and I do not find anything offensive about him and nor should you. His views on Hispanics are strictly towards those who are illegally in this country, but he does not hate Hispanics. And frankly, I feel the same way about immigration, so this is not about race, this is about doing what is right. Though after seeing his Nevada town hall meeting last night I began to question whether or not he would truly be free from special interests, as his stance on Israel is no different than other presidents, and his daughter is married to a Jew. So this goes without saying that there could be a conflict of interest with regard to Jewish matters in the Middle East, which affects all of us one way or another.
2016-02-24 08:46:58 UTC
I hate "should I be offended about..." questions. Either you are and are looking for affirmation, or you're not and people are telling you that you should be. Which is it?

As for Mr. Trump, he's not "against other races" necessarily, but does have a serious issue with illegal immigrants, particularly those who enter this country then expect to be taken care of while citizens continue to work and pay taxes. Many illegal immigrants don't work, and those who do send all their money home - money that is often paid under the table and not taxed like the rest of us. Also, Mr. Trump realized that we need to take care of our own in this country and get the ridiculous national debt under control. You can't do that while giving hand outs to every Tim Dick and Harry and their countries.

But no, there's no need to confront anyone here. She has her opinions just as you do, and may think and vote however she likes - same as you.
2016-02-23 08:19:57 UTC
As others have already mentioned, Hispanic is not a race. There is also a huge, HUGE misconception among some people that

Hispanic = Illegal Alien.

Donald Trump isn't anti Hispanic, he's anti Illegal immigration, there's a big difference.

Many Hispanic Americans are also

against Illegal Immigration. Just because a person comes from a Spanish speaking background doesn't mean that they automatically sympathize for Illegal aliens.

Millions of Hispanic Americans have ancestral roots in the U.S that go back for centuries and never crossed any borders. They are as American as anybody else and most of them don't like illegals either. If someone wants to immigrate they should do it legally. That's the biggest issue.
2016-02-24 01:47:48 UTC
It's up to you to be offended or not. I wouldn't confront her because she probably knows how you would feel due to your ethnicity, & if somehow she doesn't, I don't think it would change her mind as most people into politics think a lot about it. And, feelings could be hurt by a huge row. Feelings would probably be less hurt if you just colded her out, which she probably expects you to do. She doesn't sound like much of a friend to a Hispanic person; are you sure she really is one and not just a so-far-polite social acquaintance?
2016-02-24 07:21:46 UTC
Trump talks about illegals and law breakers, not a whole race or ethnicity. There must be a way to weed out the baddies and let the good guys come in.

If you or your friends are offended, either you're not listening or have a different agenda other than making America safe.
Roger O
2016-02-22 17:14:55 UTC
Don't let the political season cause you to lose a friend. Forgivness is the greatest gift you can recieve or give. A friend is a friend, is a friend, and may have a different opinion than you, but true friends are hard to find. Race or color has no part to do with your friendship. why bring this into the picture. There are those that would try there best in politits to divide and agitate by using the race card to further there own political benifit. Try not to listen to there message and think for yourself as to what is right. If you look for the good you will find it. If you look for the bad you will also find it.
Orla C
2016-02-25 00:21:20 UTC
I wouldn't be offended as such, just disappointed. She clearly doesn't know that he's an ignorant buffoon entirely unsuited to running a fridge, never mind a country. She has no idea how many times he's been bankrupt, but only kept going because his father kept throwing money at at. If he gets elected, she'll learn. You all will.

But I doubt he'll get elected. There are enough intelligent people over there to prevent that from happening, and if it does happen, there are enough guns floating around and enough crazy people to sort him out good and proper.
2016-02-24 20:46:30 UTC
Sounds like your friend is a dumb ***, and honestly of you were friends and didn't have a problem that stay friends, as long as she doesn't repeatedly say something to you about that isn't in a joking matter, bc everyone makes fun of there friends in someway, but you can go too far, people today are just too worried about offending other people, being offended or looking for every possible reason to sue someone, that they don't just appreciate their relationships with people, so yea stay friends with her, your friendship shouldn't be ended bc who she voted for
2016-02-22 18:07:38 UTC
Yes! Being offended is a logical, proper response! He offends me. He proposed building a wall to keep out desperate people--and kick out millions of decent people off safe American ground. He would punish illegal immigrants (most of whom are not bad people) worse than the government and industry criminals who corrupt our legal system, wreck our environment, and undermine human rights. And he'd do it while sitting in a gold and ivory tower somewhere in Las Vegas eating lobster and counting cash like some cheesy Disney movie villain. He admitted he might have supported Japanese-American internment in 1942. (In which, the American government kidnapped, robbed, and imprisoned 120,000 Japanese Americans in horse stalls following the bombing of Pearl Harbor). That should scare the crap out of every human. Okay, sure humans aren't Hispanic. Some humans aren't Japanese, Iraqi, Russian, whatever. Some humans live in America. Some humans don't live in America. But what Trump wants to do is wrong. It's wrong if you're white, black, tan, gay, straight, whatever. It's wrong over here. It's wrong over there. It is wrong everywhere. And until all us are safe, none of us are.
2016-02-23 10:10:36 UTC
First off you are only focusing in on one of Donald Trumps opinions or comments which is very narrow minded of you. She is looking at the whole picture and with the good you have to take some of the bad. None of these people running is going to make everyone or anyone 100% happy. I'm not say I support Trump, but who someone else votes for is their opinion and right and really none of your business.

Also you should learn not to refer to people as "white" if you are trying to be so correct and use the correct terminology.

By the way, Trump is against ILLEGAL immigrants (as most are) which because of the borders happen to be Mexican. He isn't against the individual necessarily as much as you get these people over here taking jobs from legalized Americans who pay taxes.... and they don't, the majority don't even make an attempt to learn the language, not that is grounds to be upset!!!!!
2016-02-25 19:11:11 UTC
I would have asked her what about American is not great. I think it's the greatest country in the world even though I despise most politics. Trump says things but never gives examples. He wants to replace Obamacare with Trumpcare but when asked what's Trumpcare about he never has an answer. He certainly hasn't had conservative behavior over his lifetime so how is he even a Republican. He thinks Hispanics bring drugs into the country, are rapists and there needs to be a wall built (by them) to keep them out. Yeah.....I would be offended.
Tad Dubious
2016-02-24 07:45:59 UTC
No, Kay Kay, you should not be offended. First, because it does no good, in general. Second, because come the first Tuesday in November, Mr. Trump may not even be on the ballot. Third, because many forget that in her husband's first campaign, Mrs. Obama challenged the need to "make America great again," folk were offended, but it did not change a thing. Feel free to share your opinions with your friends; that is what they are there for. If your Trump friend decides to end the friendship because you responded with your thoughts on her thoughts, it is her loss, not yours. Peace.
2016-02-23 16:58:38 UTC
If I were you, I honestly wouldn't. Donald Trump is aiming to remove all ILLEGAL immigrants. Donald Trump can have the right ideas sometimes, but he's REALLLY rude and desperately needs help with his hair. Don't get offended because of loser people like Trump. Try avoiding politics when you're with that friend.
2016-02-23 05:06:23 UTC
Sure, you can be offended. I'm offended that somebody like Trump is actually a candidate in a presidential race. What a bad joke. But as to your friendship -- you probably need to think long and hard about just what kind of friendship you have. I guess hanging blacks fifty years ago could be categorized as "political views", too, or supporting Hitler and the Nazi movement was "political views", too....So each of us must decide whether or not we actually want to associate with people who hold extreme, harmful, bigoted political views.
2016-02-23 02:48:16 UTC
Be offended, be a typical liberal.Liberals walk around all day looking for ways to be offended. I'm here to help out.
2016-02-26 06:02:58 UTC
t bay is a good thing. If you don't want to go through the process to be a legal citizen then you don't belong here regardless of your background and how good of a person you are. You don't like him cause he'll send your illegal homies asses back to Mexico. He's not wrong she's a smart woman who should be the first female president and you're ridiculous for having a ego So big that you can't be friends with anyone who doesn't agree with you if you came here to be racially patronized and consoled you're an idiot. Sorry but people like you are what's wrong
2016-02-24 06:36:19 UTC
Donald Trump doesn't hate Mexicans. He only wants to get control of the rampant illegal immigration that has been allowed to happen. There is nothing wrong with this. Every country enforces its own borders. You are choosing to see this as a racist issue when it's really a national security issue.

Your biggest problem though is that you are making politics to be a dividing line in terms of your friendships. What used to make America great was the fact that we didn't focus on the things that divide us. We focused on what we have in common. My daughter was a HUGE Obama supporter, and now she is losing her mind over Bernie. I have a choice to make. I can either let this cause division in our relationship, or I can push those differences aside and focus on the things that really matter.
2016-02-24 23:35:41 UTC
The most successful presidential campaign ever was that of 1840 when most Americans voted for "Tippecanoe and Tyler too": it was a simple, catchy phrase (with alliteration, rhyme and assonance) with a "gentle" hint of racism, and it committed the victors to nothing whatever. "Make America great again" is equally simplistic, catchy and also promises everything and nothing: exactly what a politician wants. Your friend likes the idea so she goes along with it, as, I am very much afraid, will millions of her fellow voters in November. She may be gullible, stupid even, but she is not a bad person. There is an old rule about conversation at the dinner table being encouraged on any topic except sex, religion and politics. If you add "race", then it is an excellent rule, and not just for the dinner table. My daughter is so ardent a Conservative that she once gave me a biography of Margaret Thatcher as a present. My loving cousin is not just an atheist but one unable even to understand why anyone else could really hold any other opinion. My best female friend is a middle class Brazilian with the sort of instinctive racism that goes with the territory (she never met my now deceased Black wife!). One of my sons in law actually works for the Conservative Party, the other is a banker with a typical Wall Street approach to climate change, poverty and government. My best friend in NYC is the sort of Zionist who would dearly like Arabs to all disappear overnight, and does not know I was really close to a Palestinian family until they moved away and we lost touch, or that my parents were both staunch anti-Semites (of the "only thing that Hitler got right" variety). I am very curious as to where my kith and kin get their political ideas from, but I would never dream of wasting my time trying to convert them. And if I wanted as friends only those who agreed with me 100%, I would end up able to count them on the thumbs of one hand. .
2016-02-23 03:33:39 UTC
She should find better friends that don't get offended when someone disagrees with their political views. GROW UP!

Hispanic isn't a race, it's an ethnicity.

I'm latina/hispanic and I'm voting for Donald Trump. He doesn't hate Mexicans. He just states facts. Criminals, drug dealers, rapists etc are crossing the border and coming to America to corrupt our society. It's already happening in Europe (Russia, Sweden, France, Great Britian...) where muslim men are coming in as "refugees" (and welcomed with open arms) and killing and raping people. These damn men aren't stupid they see an opportunity to come in as refugees and they'll take it just to implement Sharia law (allows behendings, stonings, rape, and everything anti-western). Donald Trump wasn't saying that every Mexican, Muslim..immigrant, refugee is a bad person. He was focusing on what is taking place due to the refugee/imigrant crisis. Do you really want these people to come to America only to murder/rape innocent citizens?
2016-02-26 15:46:40 UTC
Trump has a problem with illegal immigrants not different races. Dont get me wrong, I'm not a Trump fan, but you cant twist his words, I have a problem with illegals as well, but I also have plenty of different races for friends. If I were Hispanic I wouldnt be offended, but I tend to not get offended over things that I deem stupid. So it's your choice if it's worth it or not. She may just be looking at all of the candidates and thinking hes the lesser of the evils, I personally think Cruz is our best bet so far, but still. I dont think you should be offended. Especially if you werent born is Mexico or another Latin American country. Idk if you were, I'm just saying just in case.
2016-02-22 16:34:37 UTC
Be offended, be a typical liberal.Liberals walk around all day looking for ways to be offended. I'm here to help out.
2016-02-24 09:46:36 UTC
Everyone has the right to their own political opinion. The problem with "The Donald " is he oversimplifies things so ordinary folks (like me ) will understand his views and doesn't hide behind politicians B.S. He doesn't hate Hispanics but simply wants to control immigration. Many people of all races have the same opinion.

No need to get offended . Maybe your friends should keep their minds open and not jump to conclusions.
2016-02-24 07:11:46 UTC
Don't be so utterly stupid, pay attention to what I write and learn something immensely valuable in the form of a list of facts which are astonishing but absolutely provable.

1. Islam is at war with the non Muslim world but our leaders are too stupid and ignorant to understand this.

2. The goal of Islam is to conquer every country in the world and to force Sharia law on everyone. Shari law will dictate every aspect of everyone's life in the world. That is their goal and they mean business.

3. If and when Islam becomes dominant where you are they will offer you three choices, convert to Islam and support among other things paedophilia. Accept Dhimmi status where you will be allowed to live in your own country in exchange for 50% of your income and you will be treated like a second class citizen and if you refuse that they WILL cut your head off.

4. Every Muslim has a religious duty to ensure no 3 happens.

5. There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim, they are liars practising Taqiyya which means sacred deception.

6. Muslims are not allowed to take non Muslims as friends unless it is to deceive them.

7. There are peaceful verses in the Quran but they have all been abrogated by the later violent verses which require Muslims to kill the infidel.

8. According to Islam Jews are directly descended from apes and pigs and Muslims are so stupid they actually believe this.

9. According to Islamic law it is acceptable to fvck a baby girl up the a.rse.

10. Muslims are allowed to fvck anyone who is not Muslim whether they like it or not, this includes women, girls, boys, camels, goats, donkeys, watermelons and dead bodies.

11. Everything I have written so far is true and can be easily proven.

12. 99% of Americans including politicians are ignorant of these facts

13. Donald Trump is one of the few Americans that has the wit to begin to recognise the very real threat against us and the ONLY potential future president with the balls to say so.

14. Islam is at war with the civilised world and they are winning that war, you have a president who is a liar, a traitor and a Muslim who is working from the inside to destroy your country..

15. If Islam is not stopped they will turn your country into a third world shithole.

16. At this time Donald Trump is your ONLY hope of salvation.
2016-02-24 09:20:22 UTC
It's all surely subjective honestly. It's your own emotions, though she's your friend she has to take into perspective of the magnitude of Trump's statements. His statements are surely absurd and seem to the point that they're satire. May I say that since pranks have been in a while on the pop culture scene I kind of think he's gonna come out and be like "it's just a prank bro"
2016-02-23 08:54:03 UTC
no. you should be offended by Hussein, a community organizer playing president who has set race relations in this country back centuries. the real issue with race is DEEDS NOT WORDS. by realizing that our president does nothing by the "if I had a son...." or the boston police fiasco, you have come along way toward realizing that we all can get along by not prostituting any race for a thirty second sound byte or the purchase of votes. Hussein is a con artist Marxist and liar who uses race at the drop of a hat to fill a skewed agenda. trump is a successful billionaire who at least understands the failure and cancerous nature of liberal psyche. he may not be a perfect choice BUT CLEARLY he is better than the liberal mess we have now.
2016-02-22 16:38:06 UTC
I don't think you should be offended as such. But I do think that you have every right to make fun of Trump at every possible opportunity when around her. There's more than enough material to last you till the election
2016-02-28 08:21:44 UTC
Offended!!! I'm so sick of people being offended. So what! Your friend has an opinion that you do not agree with. The entire world has opinions that do not agree with yours. Get over your precious little self and stop thinking the we should all coddle you because you are too fragile to handle adult political conversations.
2016-02-24 09:14:22 UTC
Trump isn't anti "Hispanic", he is anti-illegal immigrant. He is advocating stronger borders and enforcement of the immigration laws of the United States. I don't think you should be offended. Obviously, your friend doesn't consider a vote for Trump to mean anything against you. So why take offense if non is intended.

BTW - I lived in Mexico as a legal immigrant for some time. I was treated fairly, but as I said, I was legally in the country. Those whites and others who were illegally in Mexico, were not treated anything like we treat the people who illegally enter our country. People who come into Mexico illegally (against Mexican laws) are arrested and jailed and then deported (quickly if they are lucky). Meanwhile, people who come into the US against our laws, are given free stuff, shielded by "sanctuary cities" and allowed to work and procreate. Definitely NOT the same thing.
Steve B
2016-02-23 09:36:20 UTC
Yes, you should be offended.

All minorities should be offended.

I'm an atheist and know how you feel.

I seriously can't understand why any minority would vote for The Donald.

But, I have friends who would vote for The Donald.

I have friends that I completely disagree.
2016-02-25 03:09:39 UTC
Yes it is very wrong and racist of your friend to vote for this evil man us Hispanics are a beautiful and wonderful culture an we should not be deported but fear not as I know of a way to steer your awful racist friend onto the path of justice first you and a few of your fellow Mexicans put on ski masks and knock on her door when she answers you grab her then you need to tie her to the nearest chair with either rope (you'll probably have to provide the rope) then as your awful racist friend is trapped you all do the famous Mexican hat dance around her while saying this chat "two in the stink one in the pink" this will help summon the Donald trump spirits out of her and after you see that tanning bed ghost leave her body you in your friends burn her alive an go get some tacos job well done there is one less awful white scum in our wonderful Mexico 2
2016-02-22 21:49:32 UTC
Yes. You have every right to be offended. I honestly don't trust white ppl and i don't really have many white friends. If any of my white friends told me that i would unfriend them just like I'm unfriending anyone who is voting for trump. He is a racist and only cares about rich white upper class Christians. I'm on welfare...i get disability...trump wants to cut out all of that. If any of my friends vote for him they are basically saying that they don't care if i end up homeless and without the proper healthcare i need. Also if anyone i know votes for trump also hates Hispanics in my eyes...and if you hate Hispanics then you hate me...and if you dislike me then why should we be friends
2016-02-25 04:30:58 UTC
Check the internet, you'll see Trump Supports Hispanics both here and in Central America! Why do you believe he doesn't? The Issue is 'Illegal immigration', not race! So I guess I dont think you should be offended.
2016-02-23 13:19:04 UTC
I am not saying I am voting for Trump, or not, because that is irrelevant to your question.

If you take the time to listen, really listen to Trump's rants about what you refer to as racist ideas, you need to listen more carefully. Trump is not against all minorities, nope, not at all. He just wants to stop those who are sucking off the American taxpayer's backs and who are in the country illegally. Listen so you know what you are talking about.

Now, to eliminate a friend over your misunderstanding over what Trump actually means, then you would be the oe on the losing end.
great knight
2016-02-23 10:47:43 UTC
If she went illegally into mexico she would be arrested. Is that racist too? Do you think Hillary Clinton is a better choice or communist bernie sanders? Not that Trump is great or anything. Jesus Christ is the truth. Jesus loves you. Read Romans chapter 5 and 8. Read John chapter 1 and 3. Get a king James bible and believe. "A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."- the Word of God. Study the Word of God. Read Matthew chapter 7.
strikes back
2016-02-27 04:16:28 UTC
Don't listen to these morons. They're Trump supporting, racist bigots. ANYONE who supports Trump, especially for some vague reason like "he'll make america great again", is a complete moron, and TOTALLY ignorant and racist.

I would still respect a Trump supporter, but I wouldn't think highly of them and I wouldn't be friends with them.

Not saying that's what you should do! You know her better than I do. She could be nice in other ways...
2016-02-24 08:10:47 UTC
I suggest you avoid discussing politics. Everyone has an opinion and you don't have to agree with anyone.

I don't care for Donald Trump- he's pandering to his audience and using outrageous statements to scare people. He hasn't served one day in elected office- not even dog catcher. Those opinions aside, agree to disagree with your friend. Even if Mr. Trump does get elected, he has to work with Congress. Compromise is part of our political system. Mr. Trump is used to getting want he wants in his businesses, but he will find out it won't be easy. As for 'Making America Great Again'- I think America has always been great. There is more work to do, but I think we're doing alright.
2016-02-23 13:03:41 UTC
It is best not to discuss religion or politics with anybody to avoid heated discussions. I don't think Trump hates Hispanics. I think he just doesn't like the ones who come here illegally. If you entered here legally and went the trouble to become a citizen. Wouldn't you be feeling some resentment? I would vote the person who tends to have almost the same values as you do.
2016-02-23 06:25:46 UTC
Offended by what? You are being told you should be offended. Most all law abiding Hispanic citizens want boards and legal immigration. The other bs was manufactured by the Democrat party.
2016-02-25 04:05:29 UTC
Hola :)!... Yes, I'm Hispanic, too :)!... But not as ya might think; let me tell you this ->Hispanic is NOT a race, nor it is an ethnicity, since we dont have the same cultures and traditions (What the...!!), we're VERY different, although we're stereotyped; Hispanic is all about the languiage imposicion and a term given to us by U.S.A. because of this; like for example, I'm Black; what race are you!?; 'cause Hispanic is not, since it simply ain't a race!...

Secondly; I know we should respect everybody's beleif/s, yet we have a right to opine and have our thoughts about it/them; we dont have to agree to get along or/and respect each others; BUT, a thing like that one you're "friend" is doing, its gonna be done against you, it is not right, coming from someone you'd call a friend, unless you were wrong and she was doing the right thing or so; and it goes totally against us as Hispanics, too!...

Look; it is like when someone wanna kill you, and i know it, and still like that, i give him/her the gun and tell him/her where you are!; thats not being friend; sorry; but she ain't a friend for u, no matter what shes done for and to u in the past; thats not of a friend and most important, correct!...

Y'all gotta learn the real menaing of friendship!.

And, of course yes, that's offensive and disappointing from someone who think is a friend! ...Fvck that b¡tch!.

Donald is just plain ignorant, wrong thinking us Latinos are the ones who fvck up U.S.A.; he and all Americans supportin him should look themselves in a mirror!..

I know there are some Latinos who are sh¡t, but there are many uf us who are the sh¡t, such as it happenes to Americnas, too!. We are not all the same, his generalization is wrong, thats just hatred; how can't someone see it!!?!.

Donald is a fvcking discriminator hid in the sentence of "I want the best for my country!"; if he was, although, a bit intelligent, he'd know the way he wanna reach that is wrong, destructive, discriminating, derogatory for many, and people who support him would, too. SMH!...

A belief is a beleif, but in front of the truth it has nottin to do!.

Tén un buen día, baby :)!...
2016-02-24 12:37:55 UTC
There's nothing to get offended about. Donald Trump is not saying he has anything against Hispanics. That's a lie perpetuated by brainwashing media. He wants to deport ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. because they break the law by not going through the proper channels. The idea of exporting Hispanics is stupid.
Smokies Hiker
2016-02-23 16:19:24 UTC
First of all, Donald Trump isn't against Hispanics as a group. He's against anyone who enters the United States illegally! It doesn't matter if their Hispanic, Cuban, Canadian, Eastern Indian, European, etc.. Everyone immediately thinks of Mexico and its people when illegal immigrants are mentioned, simply because of the location to the US. Any Mexican citizen can simply just walk or drive across the US and Mexican border without drawing much attention. There's no plane ride involved from another county or continent where passports are needed and passengers on a plane are inspected and questioned. We are a country of laws. These immigration laws are in place to protect everyone inside our borders. It doesn't matter their religion, color, race, education, etc., just as long as they're here legally and obey the laws of the United States. I really don't believe you should be offended by your friends actions. Many people are afraid of anyone who might be located in the United States that is here illegally, and may be hiding or have something to hide. We have experienced quite a few attacks by foreigners from various countries who were here illegally. It's the United States Governments responsibility to protect its citizens, no matter what their race, creed, color or country of origin. Our government protects you as well as your friends. You should really forgive them and communicate with them to understand their feelings as well as expressing your feelings to them. You are important and should consider yourself to be just as important as any other citizen of the United States.
2016-02-22 16:40:10 UTC
No, it's not something to be offended by. It's just a measure of how stupid some people are.
2016-02-25 03:43:04 UTC
If you don't know that stuff than you shouldn't feel offended you should feel fortunate someone like Trump would get in at all. He will enable unions, rebuild the entire economy globally, draw in millions and millions of jobs and raise the average wage without raising the minimum wage.
2016-02-22 16:38:09 UTC
I'm offended that you have stupid friends that thing Trump, or an other president, is going to "make America great again". It's election bullshit and pandering to the angry fed up crowd. It's been done before.
2016-02-27 09:54:30 UTC
You are mixing up a lot of different ideas and issues. You may be offended by Trump, but what exactly has your friend done to offend you beyond exercise her legal right to support a candidate. Should other people be offended if you support someone else? If you suspect your friend is a racist or want to know if she supports and approves of Trumps comments about illegal immigration, then you may have an open political conversation where you ask questions, listen to answers, and express your own views.
2016-02-24 11:53:32 UTC
I wouldn't be offended trump is just playing politics .. the problem is many people seem to like him but think what is he going to do if he becomes president ..File for CH 11 and sue people give deals to the mafia that's how he has made his money steal from Paul to pay Peter
2016-02-24 14:44:37 UTC
She is clearly not realizing how much it would effect you and your friends if she voted for him. I don't think you should be offended but I do think you should ask her what this is all about and tell her to see it from your point of view. If she disagrees with you I personally would stop being friends with her.
2016-02-24 20:31:19 UTC
There is a reason why Trump got more of the Hispanic vote than Cruz and Rubio combined in the last primary. There is a whole world of information out there that many are missing. Look it up. If you are a Republican, you are gonna be branded a racist. The only reason more of the Republican candidates have not been branded as such are that two of them are Hispanic and another is black.
2016-02-23 07:47:23 UTC
People have a right to vote for anyone the want to. And you have a right not to like it. You can't expect all your friends and relatives to see everything your way.

There is an old saying: You can get along with anyone as long as you don't talk about race, religion or politics.

My brother is politically the opposite of me. So when we are together, we agree not to talk about politics because all it does is lead to arguments.
2016-02-24 00:34:35 UTC
Should I be offended?

I don't know,Should you always exert your right to be an idiot?

I mean after all it is your right and it is consistent with your intelligence beginning and ending with your perception of racial identity*.

*some rather unsavory historical characters have shared that same trait.

btw: unless you're prepared to work for what you get you should steadfastly stick to the "plantation mentality" offered by the new socialist party (aka the democrats).
2016-02-26 02:25:46 UTC
It's got nothing to do with you. That's why you never discuss religion and politics. Someone gets always offended.
2016-02-24 02:35:57 UTC
Should you be offended, NO. Can you be offended, YES. But the sooner we realize that not one person in that office will ever have our interest at heart unless we have lobbyist and 100,00 for campaign donations. I think you should both take that into consideration and come to the conclusion we need to stick together.
2016-02-25 09:53:20 UTC
'Should' you be offended? Htf should I know? So if I say you should be offended you will be? Just to answer your question, no, you shouldn't feel offended. It's just politics, nothing personal
2016-02-22 16:37:17 UTC
That's their opinion. You can be offended if you choose, but don't expect people to change because they say something you disagree with.

If you want to start discussing politics, you need to realize that people have differing views and you should be mature enough to respect that.
2016-02-25 20:44:16 UTC
You can have your own reasons for voting for a specific candidate. You don't even need to be racist or too religious to support them. I won't bore you with why Trump shouldn't be elected, so I'll stick to your question and give you the best answer I can.

It depends how your friend feels about the wall, she could be supporting him because of his knowledge on economics or he has good leadership qualities for americans. Your friend is just one person, as opposed to the KKK and other white supremacists groups backing him.

I would carefully approach her on why she likes him (privately if possible) if you really want to know and tell her about how you feel about it. Ultimately it's her right and decision on who she wants to vote for, but it doesn't exactly mean that it should ruin your friendship.
2016-02-22 16:34:04 UTC
You are offended because you don't actually know what Trump said. Illegal aliens and Hispanics are not the same thing. If you think they are, then it is you that has the problem.
Sandy K
2016-02-22 17:23:40 UTC
Why should you be offended? your friend has a right to her opinion. You don't understand what Trump said and you are pre- judging him. I think this one is on you, and you need to really find out what Trump said.
2016-02-22 16:33:31 UTC
Half my Facebook friends think cops are evil if they protect themselves and they seem to have the support of all the Democratic candidates. I have friends who are white cops.

Most democrats live in a double standard world where they can offend white people, but don't dare offend a democrat!!
2016-02-23 08:32:08 UTC
You have to question the racial sensitivity of anyone who supports Trump. I have no problems at all ending a friendship when my so-called white "friends"/classmates threw a hissy fit when President Obama addressed school children a few years back. To me, their disapproval stunk of racism, and I don't need those kinds of people in my life. Your "friend" has no regard for you and other Hispanic people, and she's showing it by supporting Trump. People's support of Trump goes beyond politics. It shows a dislike for anyone who is not white. Trust me, you'll be better off without her.
Lisa M
2016-02-28 11:21:06 UTC
This is why they made voting private and confidential. By you getting 'offended' you may sway her vote. She has the right to vote for whomever she chooses. What if she tried to guilt you out of voting for your candidate? Wouldn't be fair, would it?

Stop talking so openly about the elections, it's not fair to one another.
2016-02-25 01:13:55 UTC
no u shouldn't be offended thats her opinion and u should not try and change her vote hence why its a secret. u defs shouldn't be offended by this-- i don't think she intentionally tried to hurt you, if you are then tell her about it, but srsly if u lose a friendship over donald trump i might cry. she is probably voting for him and his tactics towards terrorism and things like that!! so not aimed at you bc u guys r friends!!!
2016-02-23 22:15:56 UTC
The true issue is illegal immigration. You are looking at this issue from the wrong perspective. Millions of people all over the world want to come to America, but we can't take them all in. There is no reason to give any group preferred status when they came here illegally. This would not be fair to the rest of the world.
2016-02-23 05:46:58 UTC
If you get offended every time someone disagrees with you you'll spend all your life offended.
2016-02-26 07:30:54 UTC
No politician gives straight answers. They are supposed to skirt around the question never giving an answer. So no Trump does not give straight answers. I believe people should not tell others who they are voting for because it brings turmoil to friendships. Your friend probably hasn't give followed Trump, read all news articles, watched all media, debates, etc. Politicians try to develop a catchy phrase and make you vote for them. They do not care how they get you to vote for them.
2016-02-24 12:29:50 UTC
I would be offended, I'm Muslim, and seeing as he wants to get rid of us, damn straight I would be offended, your friend is quite rude, especially to rub it in your face like that, some people just have no hearts in it. Confront her, or dump her
2016-02-24 16:59:08 UTC
no, u shouldn't be offended. I don't see anything wrong with someone voting for a political candidate that u don't like. My friend likes Donald trump, but I don't. I like another person, and that doesn't get in the way of our friendship.
2016-02-24 00:38:03 UTC
Personally, I do not find any redeeming qualities in Trump, but some voters are so easily swayed by smoke and mirrors. Maybe you need a new friend. People tend to vote for which candidate addresses things they care about not anyone else.
2016-02-24 09:22:11 UTC
The ONLY person that can offend you is YOU! Donald is not offending you. He is against ILLEGALS, NOT against any race. If one does not like a candidate for whatever reason, he or she will pick any excuse not to.
2016-02-23 11:21:35 UTC

who she votes for has NOTHING to do with your friendship. That is basically a personal oppinion in which she is entitled to have.

That would be like someone saying you shouldn't date a person of a certain height because THEY feel a certain way about it.

it's pointless and irrelevant, " friends" ARE NOT always going to be on the same page about everything.

I don't like any of the candidates BUT i have no say in who people choose to vote for because it technically isn't my business.
2016-02-25 04:57:25 UTC
Worrying about being offended is ONE of the things wrong with our country today. IF you don't like someones attitude or behavior--- ignore them. Toughen up--life aint a bed of roses.
2016-02-26 19:45:38 UTC
Gloria, the only reason you would be "offended' is because those illegal immigrants haven't taken over your particular town yet. But wait -- they will! Then you'll sing a different tune, when you see your property value go into the toilet and your crime rate soar.
Frank H
2016-02-23 21:46:19 UTC
No. Remember Donald is talking about ilegal Hispanics I am assuming you are a legal U.S. Citizen so no don't take a offense . I am half Hispanic and I to will be voting for Donald Trumph.
The First Dragon
2016-02-24 20:58:00 UTC
It is not for the best to let politics ruin a friendship.

It would only add to the problem of polarization in the country. Too many people don't know anyone who disagrees with them. If you are friends with somebody who disagrees with you, keep that friendship if you can! You will probably learn something, and your friend will probably learn something, and you will both be the better for it.
2016-02-22 16:51:07 UTC
Don't be offended. Most REAL American hispanic citizens that I know are great people. Many are veterans and/or college grads. Those immoral illegal aliens aren't so nice people. They're here to take advantage of all the freebess and free-rides America GIVES them. And, now, they want to be GIVEN amensty too. Me and all my hispanic friends know that unless we get things under control and deport all those immoral illegal aliens, they come from every nation on earth too, they'll destory our country especially our tax-paying middle-class. Wise-up America.

"Obama Says Illegal Immigration HURTS ‘Blue-Collar Americans,’ STRAINS Welfare"

by Neil Munro

White House Correspondent

"Worst President Ever… Obama’s Legacy – Destruction of US Middle Class"

by Jim Hoft

"Obamanomics, his imposition of European-style socialism, is not working for African-Americans. It is not working for Latinos and African-Americans."

-Niger Innis


The number of Americans living in poverty rose by the equivalent of the population of Massachusetts during President Barack Obama’s first term. By the time his second ends, “black people will have lost ground in every single leading economic indicator category,” television talk show host Tavis Smiley"

by Jack Kelly

read article: "Obama's Policies Have Helped Wall St. Fat Cats"
2016-02-23 18:03:38 UTC
Just because you feel this country needs to have more control over immigration issues doesnt mean you have anything against other cultures races etc. I don't know anyone personally who supports Trump because they have an issue with "Hispanics"
2016-02-23 08:12:15 UTC
Your asking if you should be offended. Thats the problem today. Think for yourself you ether are offended or you are not, you dope. Does that offend you Hope so
2016-02-24 11:40:16 UTC
Anyone who would vote for Donald Trump is basically throwing a temper tantrum. They are tired of politics as usual and they think Trump is a breath of fresh air. They will be very sorry if Trump actually gets elected.
2016-02-23 15:31:43 UTC
America is already 'great'. None of the GOP/Tea/Fox/Koch/Jesus freak seem to understand what 'great' means. They think 'great' means that the US should commit itself to a forever war, private wealth and public poverty and making the 21st century as difficult for working class people to thrive as was the 19th century. Basically these guys are by the book fascists...and you should look up the meaning of that word.... it's a bad thing.
2016-02-24 10:26:51 UTC
Trump is not racist. If he spoke the truth, doesnt mean he hates blacks, latinos, arabs. We live in democracy, so ur friend has a right to vote how she wants. U have the right to get offended as well. But u better learn the truth. Trump is against illegal immigration, so he will protect residents of the US(blacks, latinos, whites, etc).
2016-02-25 09:10:22 UTC
Trump is against illegal immigration, and drugs not Hispanics specifically who are law abiding citizens. You can take offense, sure. Can you tell your friend your reasons for disliking Trump and see what her response is? Perhaps this will help with your upset. No need to "confront" anyone. A calm discussion/debate would be appropriate.
2016-02-23 22:26:14 UTC
You should not be offended, you should be thankful for what Donald Trump has done for legal Hispanics in this country.
2016-02-24 14:30:57 UTC
No one should not be offended bypeople who hold different values toward

people of color. Remember the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. All people should be treated equally. Good luck.
2016-02-24 05:49:00 UTC
Jesus’ neutrality regarding the politics of this world was well-grounded in Scriptural principles. Consider just two.

“Man has dominated man to his injury.” (Ecclesiastes 8:9) That is how the Bible sums up the history of human rule. Remember, Jesus existed as a spirit in heaven long before he came to earth as a man. (John 17:5) He thus knew that man, however well-meaning, lacks the ability to care properly for the needs of billions of people; nor was he created by God to do so. (Jeremiah 10:23) Jesus knew that the solution to mankind’s problems lay elsewhere—not in human governments.

“The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.” (1 John 5:19) Do you find that statement startling? Many do. They think of sincere people who get involved in government because they want to make the world a better, safer place. Try as they might, though, even the most sincere rulers cannot overcome the influence of the one whom Jesus called “the ruler of this world.” (John 12:31; 14:30) That is why Jesus said to one worldly politician: “My kingdom is no part of this world.” (John 18:36) Jesus was the prospective King of God’s heavenly government. Had Jesus mixed in politics, he would have sacrificed his loyalty to his Father’s government.
2016-02-27 15:50:52 UTC
I don't know

If you feel you have been offended why not speak to her and get her opinion on why she is voting for trump
2016-02-24 12:45:36 UTC
if you crossed the border illegally you have no right to be offended and... Legal Hispanics have every right to be offended at Hispanics who do. There are those who paid lots of money, waited many years and came over legally... but illegals are just that illegal and should be dumped at the border ...
2016-02-24 11:58:26 UTC
Well I didn't get offended but if he said he hates mexicans he be dead by now but he isn't voting for him because of what he said about mexicans he said because of making America great again
2016-02-22 16:33:25 UTC
I mean, it's all a matter of opinion. It's her own individual thoughts, and if a statement like that is capable of breaking your friendship, it's telling me that yall aren't very close. You should try to ask her reasons why, and try to understand her better, rather than confronting her about it and immediately breaking it off. Understand, then wisely choose what's really the best for you two. Hope I helped~
2016-02-25 10:46:33 UTC

Probably not. I haven't ready ahead yet, but I'm going to guess you're going to describe some pc situation where the only one really caring about your feelings is yourself, so it's just best you man up and deal with it. . . Now let's see if I'm right. . . ?

< towards different races,>>

Really? She knows him personally? Who is your friend, and how does she know Trump personally?

More likely, she knows what Trump has said about his feelings towards those of other races, and who doesn't know about that?

< voting for him?>>

So am I

And it's not because we're racists. It's because we're aware enough to know that Trump, regardless of what he has said, is going to run this country like a business - and fix a lot of it's problems in the process. That, to me and a whole lot of other people, is more important that his off-the-cuff comments.

< America Great Again'.>>

So, long story short, you're offended because someone you know is a Trump supporter . . . as is her right you know. . .!


I don't think so. It is entirely within her right to be a Trump supporter, and proclaim so. Don't like it? Support the rival candidate.


What good would that do?

< for the best?>>

That's just dumb, letting differences in politics ruin a friendship.
2016-02-24 13:45:44 UTC
if it was me I would be offended but I'm not you

maybe try and talk to them and see what she actually meant, maybe you took it the wrong way or misunderstood? if she is against different ethnicities and cultures then she doesn't deserve a friend like you x
2016-02-22 18:10:42 UTC
Should I be offended? >> be as you please, why ask this in YA's Politics, sounds like you have a personal problem... that does not matter in YA's , neither does your made up childish, BS story / rant, for one thing Trump has never been racist, the only one's Trump talked are illegals and terrorists - are you one of them , that's not racism !!
2016-02-24 20:10:32 UTC
i Wouldnt be offended by the fact that she supports racist Trump. I'd be offended by the fact God allows Donald Trump to exist
2016-02-23 15:03:34 UTC
no need to be offended. and it makes no difference is she is hispanic or not. we all have a right to our own opinion as to whom we intend to vote for. keep in mind that the election is months away, and opinions tend to change radically the closer we get to the election. i do agree with you. just saying we will make american great again sounds nice, but there is no substance to what he is saying. in fact his views on hispanics, blacks and women should eliminate any of those groups from voting for him.
2016-02-23 10:10:45 UTC
First of all, stop believing everything the biased media says! Trump has NEVER stated that he disliked Hispanics! Liberals and other simple-minded Democrats are the ones behind the myth that Trump dislikes Hispanics. They are spreading that lie in order to garner the Hispanic vote! In other words, they are PLAYING you, in order to get your vote. Don't fall for it!
2016-02-23 07:41:29 UTC
She probably supports him for other reasons. If that was the reason, then why would she have a hispanic friend in the first place? Have you thought about the Hispanic people that are running for president? Perhaps you could ask what she thinks of Cruz or Rubio.
2016-02-24 12:52:22 UTC
No, too many people in this country are "offended" by something, it has nothing to do with you, it's just her politics, if she was prejudice she wouldn't be friends with you.
2016-02-23 16:04:41 UTC
I would certainly point out that Hitler told Germany he was going to make them great too. Donald Trump seems to echo the ideals of the Nazis, which is why I find it so disturbing that many Americans back him. Freedom is for everyone, not just the people whose politics and religion agree with yours.
2016-02-22 16:33:51 UTC
No, if you're not illegal you are fine, I'm a Hispanic trump supporter, his words are often taken out of context, don't listen to the media, listen to trump with your own ears or you will get a twisted, distorted view of his words.
2016-02-23 17:47:20 UTC
I think it's OK to have a friend with different political opinions. Think about what bonds you together as friends. If you think political opinions take precedence over your friendship, it's not a bad idea to end your friendship.
2016-02-24 15:55:55 UTC
Voting for your next President is based on the "merits" YOU bestow on them. Some say Race, Some will say Foreign policy, some will say USA financial balance and some will just say... he/she looks like a nice person.

Each to their own, that's what makes democracy so awesome !
2016-02-24 17:20:02 UTC
No don't be offended trump will never be president
2016-02-23 16:35:34 UTC
At what point in history was "America Great"? Perhaps when foreigners came to the new world and Pioneered Industries off the backs of free labour foreigners. If you want greatness then find someone who highly esteems everyone the same.
2016-02-25 20:53:16 UTC
Normally I would say that you shouldn't make such a big deal out of someone else's presidential candidate, but this is Donald Trump we're talking about.
2016-02-23 00:20:20 UTC
Chelsea Clinton is good friends with Ivanka Trump, Donald's daughter. When asked about it, Clinton said that friendship is more important than politics. IMHO, we all should follow their lead.
2016-02-23 21:45:22 UTC
It's a free country and your friends don't have to agree with you on everything. That would make life very boring.
pH of 7
2016-02-24 16:40:40 UTC
we're all offended by the Donald, but you shouldnt be such a wimpy non friend as to be offended so easily.
2016-02-25 10:30:39 UTC
You're looking for reasons to be "offended"
2016-02-24 16:15:35 UTC
First of all he is not against Hispanics, he is against illegal immigration. Stop being brainwashed by the i minute sound bites of the media. Most people want to do something about the prob.lem of illegal immigration including the other presidential candidates. You should not be insulted unless you are an illegal alien.
2016-02-24 12:39:53 UTC
2016-02-28 04:15:58 UTC




She said "I'm going to vote for Donald trump so he can make America great again"

Basically means "I'm going to kick your kind out of America so America can become civilized again "

And you wanna be friends with someone lone that

By you even asking that question

Shows that your offenders

You should be furious right now
Fort Erudite
2016-02-24 14:30:30 UTC
Are you asking that you are unable to be offended by yourself? Do you need to ask others to think for you too?
2016-02-24 07:47:16 UTC
I knew Donald Trump was one of the richest men on earth, but didnt know much more about him - but recently he's caused quite a stir with his anti-moslem comments and now, hes gone all out war on immigrants !

i think he's damaged his persona in some ways, but also hes won the hearts and minds of sympathists.

you see, sometimes its best not to speak whats on your mind and just keep quiet about it ^_^

other times, you just need to SPEAK ABOUT IT lol

my thoughts are, hes harmless - ignore him.

lol @ hispanic = illegal alien

: ))

thats so racist.

Hispanic chics are hot !

Ariba Ariba ! ^_^

2016-02-23 12:42:08 UTC
No you shouldnt be offended but your friend is an idiot because she believes trump will make america "Great Again"
2016-02-22 20:54:49 UTC
Don't be offended, its her vote
2016-02-24 11:13:54 UTC
I suggest, if you are going to be offended by people whose politics are different than yours, that you talk only about non-political topics with your friends.
2016-02-23 04:08:26 UTC
This is an obvious troll post, but you do know there are hispanics who support Trump. I have hispanic friend who supports him because he agrees that ILLEGALS shouldn't have free reign on a country.
2016-02-25 06:39:30 UTC
Ye politics isnt really something to fight over. We all go through phases and have different opinions. if you want to get offended then fine pero no es importante que será sera. :)
2016-02-25 08:04:51 UTC
Friends and relatives don't always agree when it comes voting, and you can't hold it against them. I would not be talking to most my family and friends if I did
2016-02-25 14:50:00 UTC
We will find many times in our lives.........not everyone has the same outlook in life.........please don't be offended by others that may not have the same understanding.......

Just know all walks of people are loved by many of us.......and know people will disappoint you...........just stiff upper lip and move on........God loves you so always love yourself..
Mortal Dimunitive
2016-02-23 09:20:56 UTC
Hispanics should vote for Donald because he cares about them !

Donald just wants people to things the legal way. Just as Mexicans should want a hard *** to throw the Cartel out of their country for destroying it
2016-02-24 16:26:36 UTC
If I was you I'd move permanently to Mexico City so I wouldn't have to put up with that nonsense any more. Bye.
2016-02-22 17:59:47 UTC
I think you are talking about ethnicity not race. Generally speaking there are three races, Black, Asian and Caucasian. I am of Prussian and Swedish ethnicity, you are of Hispanic ethnicity--we are both Caucasian. Trump is outrageous by design and your friend is not thinking just parroting. Laugh.
2016-02-24 17:53:56 UTC
It is hard to find a candidate with whom you completely agree with. Unless she has openly expressed that she agrees with his opinion about your culture, she is most likely voting for him for other reasons. If Trump expresses an intention to treat Hispanics unfairly, you could discuss with her how you feel about her support of someone who is openly against other cultures, including yours. If you still feel uncomfortable, go ahead and talk to her. A true friend is not against you and is ready to reassure you of this.
i am dog
2016-02-25 17:42:06 UTC
Well, you can't control what your friend does, but you can let her know that you think only an idiot would expect the donald to make America great again. And you can get smarter friends.
2016-02-24 13:15:04 UTC
yes you should be offended , i mixed with many races but i look black , he said he was sending black people back to Africa , Donald don't care about nobody but his self . i hate friends all races and i mixed with white , none of the people ik would note vote for him his selfish
2016-02-22 16:42:12 UTC
If your friendship can't withstand someone's choice in an election, you aren't much of a friend, are you?
2016-02-25 14:11:19 UTC
In my opinion I do think Trump is racist and inconsiderate, and everything he stands for is bull crap, but maybe your friend thinks otherwise. I think you should respectfully approach her about it and talk it over. If you don't like what she has to say then maybe you two should go your separate ways.
2016-02-26 08:19:15 UTC
There is no such thing as a hispanic race its if anything another name for a spanish persion if your mexican it would make sense for you to feel offended.
2016-02-22 16:33:57 UTC
Trump supporters are morons.

She is too stupid for you to be offended by her choice in candidates.
2016-02-24 21:57:33 UTC
Trump is a rascist ***** only race he doesn't talk about is whites . He talks about immigrants but his ugly *** family immigrated here to so **** trump and I hope he doesn't get elected president . If so other races except whites are screwed and I do not care who gets mad at my comment .
2016-02-22 21:38:14 UTC
Don't confuse acquaintances with genuine friends. Probably she's not a friend.
2016-02-22 16:54:08 UTC
what makes America great is our ability to choose what ever we want. why would you deny that right to anyone? Let her vote for who she wants, just as you can vote for who you want. thats what makes America great. freedom. Free to choose what you want. Americans understand this. If you are an American, you should too. We all have different beliefs and passions. this makes a melting pot of America. Foreigners dont understand.
2016-02-23 00:06:32 UTC
If you are legal you should support Trump

Trump is not a fascist her just wants the illegals gone does not matter if Hispanic,Asian, white or whatever
2016-02-23 18:05:12 UTC
The only people that should be offered by Donald Trump are illegal immigrates, not tax paying hard working citizens.
2016-02-24 06:42:05 UTC
You could always ask her what she meant by her thinking that he will 'Make America Great Again' in what does she think he's going to do .
2016-02-25 16:41:51 UTC
I think you should be offended, because she is voting for someone who is not even "presidential material to begin with" but instead brainwashed into buying into the republican crap
2016-02-25 07:38:25 UTC
It's not worth losing a friend over !
2016-02-24 07:59:41 UTC
**** that white piece of trash simple as that! "Make this country great" as if they the British and Columbus dint find it that way already when they stole it from the Indians and cultures already established here.. Hope Donald stars in the next Isis video!
2016-02-23 13:38:18 UTC
1. Hispanic isn't a race.

2. I'm pro-trump and I'm Hispanic.
2016-02-24 03:40:14 UTC
Everyone is entitled to their vote and opinion. If you don't agree then too bad. However, if you feel that as a friend she is racist and you don't like it then dump her
2016-02-22 21:06:05 UTC
No offense but being offended by stupidity makes you stupid.
2016-02-25 09:28:05 UTC
Unless she says something racist about Hispanics then no you should not be offended.
2016-02-24 09:57:29 UTC
you shouldn't really be offended i am hispanic too. both my parents vote for donald trump so i really dont care who wins. you shouldnt let politics get in the way of friendship!!!!
2016-02-23 18:22:08 UTC
are you diseased? are you a stereo type? Make you your own mind what you like and don't like. We all get to vote and have free speech here, and donald is just airing his views. I don't mexicans are all interchangeable, do you?
2016-02-23 05:55:24 UTC
2016-02-23 05:27:22 UTC
I would be. Make America great again is code word for: let's go back to our glory days when whites ruled and controlled.

Ask yourself: how was did America become great in the past:

Answer: off the backs, sweat, blood, and tears of colored people.......who wants to go back to that.............we colored people know and deep down you know too!!!!
2016-02-24 11:43:12 UTC
As an American you have the right to vote for whom ever you see fit. It is not your right to try to prevent her from exercising her rights. Why would you stop a friendship because someone is using their American Voice? We the American People deserve to be heard!!!
2016-02-23 03:00:34 UTC
Yes sure, he will kill all the Hispanics, blacks, Jews and Mongolians and eat their babies in public if he is elected. Pull your head out of your dark racist place, put the LaRaza magazine down, and look at who he does business with and who works for him.
2016-02-23 19:25:50 UTC
Maybe she's not aware of all the sh*t he's said. Educate her and tell her the things he's said and why they're wrong.
The Football God
2016-02-24 04:04:11 UTC
If you have to probably were not offended and are just checking to see if you missed something
2016-02-23 06:18:50 UTC
make america great again? since when was it ever great? back when we had slaves? back when women could not vote? in short, no you should not be offended. she is clearly ignorant or misinformed.
2016-02-23 05:07:45 UTC
Trump has nothing against hispanics unless they are criminals,just like Trump does not like criminals of other races
2016-02-28 08:54:07 UTC
These answers make me have hope, but they also make me hate liberals even more. Nice to see that people are waking up and realizing liberalism is a cancer.
2016-02-25 20:30:27 UTC
I am voting for Trump and I am a Hispanic, but I feel he will do more than any other candidate.
2016-02-22 16:41:30 UTC
So...I have freckles, I should insist 11 million English men be allowed wander about, because they are of my ancestry, well Bud, that is YOU.
Linda R
2016-02-25 12:20:50 UTC
NO..........she has her opinions and you have yours - this is called a paradigm (no one is right and no one is wrong....just two views of the same thing). Why would anyone NOT want America to be great again?
2016-02-25 11:37:15 UTC
i would be offended, but at the end of the day its their choice whoever they wanna pick, dont let some asshole (donald trump) ruin your friendship
2016-02-23 17:31:21 UTC
I woudnt say nothing to your friend, i am latino and i understand people may have different views, and some of them may be radicals, but this is a free world and everybody can think the way it please them. I think you call it "freedom of speech"
Matrix Dismantler
2016-02-22 16:33:12 UTC
It is racist to believe that brown skin is a disability that makes it hard for some foreigners to not comprehend do not cross illegally.
2016-02-22 16:53:38 UTC
you don't know how trump feels about different races

you know what trump feels about illegal immigrants

so take your butt hurt and just go away
2016-02-22 16:32:33 UTC
Trump has nothing against Hispanics, just illegals
2016-02-25 16:40:15 UTC
Let them vote for trump im sure usa wont be the same
2016-02-23 22:27:54 UTC
She may be referring to something he didn't say about races.
2016-02-22 22:19:43 UTC
first of all second of all and last of all,,leave your source of info on DT,don has been in business & real estate for 35 years,he has hired thousands from multi everything races,,latino black asian,polloks,micks,,long as they can do the job,he has hired them, he does not have it in for them,or anyone else but,jihadi
2016-02-25 16:10:13 UTC
If you are truly good friends, you do not let politics enter or interfere with friendships. If you do so, that is your choice. Good luck.
2016-02-24 13:03:55 UTC
As a black American,I will tell you Trump is not against skin color or a race.He is against illegal immigration.
2016-02-22 22:43:39 UTC
Typical racist minority, you have no idea the bondage you will be in when the Democrats institute Communism on your a$s. Ignorance is no excuse when Freedom is gone.
2016-02-23 21:17:33 UTC
No. As long as your personal relation is okay, you need not bother about political differences.
2016-02-22 20:03:42 UTC
It is her right as an independent American citizen to vote for whoever she wants.
2016-02-29 18:31:24 UTC
Voting from everyone choice.
2016-02-23 12:29:05 UTC
Trump is garbage
Diamond encrusted pistol
2016-02-22 16:35:38 UTC
what don't you get about legal and illegal......trump is against illegal immigration which makes me think you are an illegal
2016-02-25 00:44:57 UTC
Vote for Clinton than: blacks support her!
Sweetdaddy Rex
2016-02-23 09:15:19 UTC
Obama is one of the most racist presidents we've ever had !
2016-02-28 14:42:49 UTC
No.....she didn't mean you...she means the people who sponge on society.
2016-02-24 09:05:55 UTC
new people to the world will eat a jungle banana if they asses the need to, but if not you will fly like the little monkey you are
2016-02-23 03:30:12 UTC
Your the one who choose too have such diversified friendships. Except who they are~!
2016-02-25 05:10:15 UTC
2016-02-26 20:35:36 UTC
2016-02-22 23:20:58 UTC
nah, Donald loves the mexicans. they're great people.
2016-02-23 19:25:49 UTC
you shouldn't
Coop 366
2016-02-23 01:06:58 UTC
If it is the truth no but if it is a lie yes.
2016-02-25 17:06:13 UTC
2016-02-24 10:17:33 UTC
Depends, are you an anchor baby, an illegal or what :)
2016-02-23 20:07:13 UTC
No. All are entitled to their opinions.
2016-02-24 08:17:03 UTC
you should remove your friend with immediate effect and then put poop on their doorstep
2016-02-24 05:31:31 UTC
no everybody has different point on election
2016-02-24 09:29:46 UTC
You have to go back.
2016-02-26 09:37:05 UTC
Cry baby.
2016-02-24 09:28:50 UTC
2016-02-23 12:12:46 UTC
Yes. Yes, you should.
2016-02-25 03:27:22 UTC
I would
2016-02-23 05:56:28 UTC
2016-02-24 13:08:46 UTC
2016-02-25 15:32:06 UTC
No don't b
2016-02-22 16:38:58 UTC
not u country tho, to be honest
2016-02-22 20:58:33 UTC
2016-02-25 03:28:39 UTC
your friend is an idiot and you shouldn`t be friend with her/him
2016-02-24 00:16:15 UTC
2016-02-22 16:34:00 UTC
2016-02-24 10:02:58 UTC
not sure
2016-02-23 00:52:08 UTC
2016-02-22 16:49:13 UTC
2016-02-22 21:01:23 UTC
2016-02-24 18:29:29 UTC
2016-02-25 13:02:43 UTC
2016-02-25 08:05:54 UTC
I would be but lets just see wat happens
2016-02-24 16:17:34 UTC
idk who trumph really is so idk how to answer ur question. but thanks for the 2 points. dont mind me! :)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.