2007-11-04 21:04:20 UTC
I shower once every day. My hair seems to be dryer than ever, my hair is thinning and people say they can start seeing my scalp. HELL NO. This isn't gonna be another bodily problem I'm gonna go through. I already had a stuggle with acne for 3 years and now my face is finally clear. I struggled with weight and still struggle to keep it down and now I'm not gonna go through hair thinning and loss.
I heard stress has to do with it. I'm pretty stressed out everyday and I don't wanna be but everything around me doesn't help. I don't get much sleep either, I think that's a problem too and I'm 17, i'm not loosing my hair now. People have been telling me I'll be bald by the time I leave college. WTF? I wanted to punch the sh!t outta them. But is this really happening to me? I was always known to have great hair. Full and thick. This just started happening when I turned 16. What should I do?!